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3 Love Spells from Council of Guidance

3 Love Spells from Council of Guidance

Included in this list of 3 Love Spells
  1. Bewitch the One You Love
  2. Charging
  3. Consecration
#1 - #3

#1 - Bewitch the One You Love

A love spell to make someone love you using your cat familiar.
You may need:

  • Fur from your cat
  • White paper
  • A pencil
  • One pink candle
  • One blue candle
  • A saucer
  • Milk
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    You may need:

  • Fur from your cat
  • White paper
  • A pencil
  • One pink candle
  • One blue candle
  • A saucer
  • Milk
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    Sit your cat on your lap and stroke him gently. Place the hair on the paper. Then light the pink candle to represent yourself and the blue one to represent the one you love. Write your name on a small piece of paper and the name of the one you love underneath yours. Sprinkle the cat fur on your names and fold up in the big piece and burn in both candle flames while saying:

    "As fur burns in this flame, into your mind enters my name. As your name burns, to me your heart turns. During my cats nocturnal hours, (name of cat) will work on you his power. I will be in your dreams while you rest, until you grant my love request".

    Place the burning paper in the saucer to let it reduce to ash and play with your cat while the candles burn. Tell him you know he will help you to win the heart of the one you love. Snuff the candles out bury the ash. Wash the sauce and pour some milk for your cat to drink.

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    Last edited on Jan 17, 2016
    Part of the Council of Guidance Library.

    #2 - Charging

    To charge an item
    You may need:

    You may need:

    After you have consecrated a tool or item, you should charge it.

    Hold the item above your head. Take a moment to feel the swirls of energy around you. You should be able to feel them tug at you like a current in a river.

    In a clear voice, say:

    Let the sacred powers of the universe unite and fill this (item name) with energy. By the Moon, the Sun, the Earth and the Stars I charge this (item name) to do my will. So Mote it Be! Close your eyes and envision an energy bolt striking the item and causing it to glow. You should feel a subtle vibration while you hold the item.

    Your tool is now charged.

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    Part of the Council of Guidance Library.

    #3 - Consecration

    Consecrate an item.
    You may need:

  • Incense
  • White candle
  • Bowl of water
  • Bowl of salt
  • Item
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    You may need:

  • Incense
  • White candle
  • Bowl of water
  • Bowl of salt
  • Item
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    Light some incense, preferably myrrh or patchouli and a white candle. You will also need a bowl of water and one of salt. Take the item, cover it with salt, place your right hand over the bowl (unless your left handed, then use your left) and envision a white light leaving your palm and passing through the bowl, washing away all negative energies. Then say:

    "Blessed Lord and Lady, with salt and smoke I consecrate this tool in your name. Let it serve me well".

    Remove the item from the salt, shaking off the salt as you do so, then pass it through the incense smoke, sprinkle it with water, then pass it through the candle flame. Your item is now consecrated.

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    Last edited on Jan 17, 2016
    Part of the Council of Guidance Library.

    3 Love Spells from Council of Guidance
    #1 - #3