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Forums -> Wicca -> Re: Wicca and Hard Polytheism
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Original Post:
by: lavenderc on Jan 27, 2016

I guess, before I start rambling and stuff, I kinda want to thank everybody in the Wicca forum for putting up with my stuff thus far. It's been really nice of you. C:


So, I consider myself to be Wiccan (or at the very least a Wiccanesque pagan), but I'm having a little bit of trouble with deity concepts.

See... I'm more of a hard polytheist..which I can see kind of contradicts the whole Wiccan belief. Like, I believe in the Lord and the Lady, and Odin and Athena and Juno, but I don't think that all gods are one god and all goddesses are one goddess. In my view, the Lord is a different deity than Zeus, and the Lady is separate from Astarte, and so on. I worship both named deities and the Horned God and Triple Goddess, but I see them as different things and separate, different entities. Does anyone else believe this way, and what is this system called?