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Re: FairyPower
Post # 11
wow you guyes seem to know alot of faeries. why do they belong to different elements?
Do they care for children? Do they comfort people who are sad?
Is there a faerie language as well? When in history began people to belive in faeries?
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Re: FairyPower
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 12
The fae, usually don't like to be called "faery".

Fae are nothing more than nature spirits -- spirits that maintain and protect the natural way of things.

Fae have many names over the entire world. They can be as large as a human (such as the sidhe, angels, demons; yes! These were originally considered fae before christianity).
They can also be quite small. You wouldn't think a nature spirit that watches over a flower or small skittish animals would be very large. Like any spirit they can be malicious or benevolent. But they are almost always mischievious.

I'm not too fond of the little ones, they're mischievious on overdrive! Their presence in a house is just like that of a spirit, but more childlike in nature.

My daughter is obsessed with the "fairy" stuff; pictures, stickers, dolls. If it's a faery she begs me for it. The images you see really are very fantasy. All spirits are really very similar to one another, no rainbow wings and diva dresses. If you ever notice, you never see a male fairy and you never see a female lepracaun. Why? Because its human ignorance. Nature spirits are male and female, and just like humans all have their own unique appearances.
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Re: FairyPower
Post # 13
i wouldnt say they look after children especially but they particually like children. Some say children can see the fae more easily because they have a good imagination, its like when children have an imagenary friend they can visualise things easier. Also children are encouraged not to believe in such things as the fae in school when they are taught to believe in logic and facts.

Faerie godmothers are supposed to specifically watch over children (yes they are real and have a faerie queen status). But different fae do different jobs eg.
My faery guide is id say slightly taller than me she cares for nature and animals of the forest especially aswell as being my guide.
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Re: FairyPower
Post # 14
oh for the record puck is said to be an english wood faerie or imp known for his pipe music, he was considered a demon in older times.
Back to the caring for children question they were said to kidnap your children giving them a bad name. Christianity portrayed all fae as mischievous spirits who were also considered to be fallen angels or damned souls.
Yes some fae are mischievous and nasty but there is balance like anything else in life.

Back to your question again zeizzie fae i cant say why fae belong to each element its like us we all have an element we can control and others we cant like anything else they just are.
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Re: FairyPower
Post # 15
there are many types of faeries. some are guardians whether it be gardiand of nature (gnomes, water faries, fire fairyies, etc), of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (aka a leprochaun):P, a house (brownie, hobgoblin, banshee), a garden (flower fairies), whatever. Other faeries are very dangerous as some thrive on killing humans (redcaps, headless horsemen), drowning people (merrows and merpeople), or simply causing mischief (pixies, brownies, hobgoblins). Others are simply neutral or indifferent towards humans and the mundane world such as pukwudgies, urisks, leprochauns, gnomes, mermen, sidhes, and more.
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Re: FairyPower
Post # 16
how do one find them?
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Re: FairyPower
Post # 17

Fae are very complicated, and there are many types of Fae! There is House Fae, Elemental Fae, and many other types. Here is a short list, along with a description, which I wrote all of myself! I teach on the Fae, and have gathered plenty of information over the years. If you would like me to teach you Fae Magick, or have any questions, please ask! :)

I'll copy and paste you a lesson from my site, which I wrote, it includes lots of other stuff apart from the list.

The Fae - FallenStar

The Fae, most commonly called Faeries, are a ''race'' of nature spirits that are just as important to this universe as anything else here! Many are experts in the elements, and certain types will often do very mischevious things!

Many types of Fae will cause you trouble if you do not leave them offerings in return for their services. Certain types help you around the house, such as Brownie Fae, but if you do not leave a offering or acceptable gift they will cause mischeif or leave.

PLEASE do not offer clothes. It is considered very offensive.

To win their favor, there is a few things you can offer, including:

  • Saucer of Milk.
  • Slice of Bread/Cake
  • Honey
  • Sparkly things
  • Flowers
  • Music

Please message me for a list of Fae types!

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Re: FairyPower
Post # 18
Are there guardianfaeries? How do you attract a fae?
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Re: FairyPower
Post # 19
hey well i read that if you have a gold ring in your eye you have sidhe blood in you i have them around my pupils so does my mom and my brother we all have irish blood me and my brother both have fair skin and red hair light hair me dark my brother and my mom can see auras my brother astral projects 1 time and we have all seen ghost my mom and brother 1 me 2 hope you can help - melodymeg
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Re: FairyPower
Post # 20
The sparkly things worked. Frankly, I don't know a thing about fairies, never seen one, but have heard them. I was out collecting items for magick uses and decided to give an offering, just in case. I heard tiny bells all the next day and every day that I started leaving out offerings.
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