Reversible Male Candle
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Reversible Male Candle
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Retail Price: $12.95
Sale: $11.66 (Save 10%)
Sale: $11.66 (Save 10%)
WEIGHT: 0.5 lbs
This wax effigy of a male human being is red underneath the black top coating and stands approximately 7 inches tall. It may be incorporated into a variety of magical castings associated with reversal. Works well for breaking a hex, curse, or other negative form of magic that has been thrown against a male person, as well as returning the negative energy back to whom sent it. When utilizing human figure candles it is suggested to baptize or name the effigy, an example of this would be; carving the person's name whom the spell or ritual is for into the base of the candle. Symbols associated with the end result may be carved into the candle as well and the figure candle may be anointed with oils that correspond with the intentions of the casting.
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