Dress/Bless a Candle with Drawing Energy

SpellsWeather  ► Fire  ► Dress/Bless a Candle with Drawing Energy
This spell dresses and blesses a regular candle especially homemade candles

Casting Instructions for 'Dress/Bless a Candle with Drawing Energy'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A candle

If you don't have a candle click on the URL to make one:

Holding the candle in the center, with the wick towards you, using your bare hands, rub the anointing oil into the wax starting at the middle of the candle, turn the candle deosil (clockwise) and work your way up to the top as you say:

"I consecrate Thee
As a tool of Magick
Blessed Be!"

Turn the candle so that the base is towards you, holding it in the center using your bare hands, rub the anointing oil into the wax starting again in the middleturn the candle deosil (clockwise) and work your way up to the top as you. Say:

"I charge Thee with Power
In the name of the Goddess.
So Mote it Be!"



Added to on Feb 09, 2015
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This requires an edit for clarity. You can bless candles you make. You can add herbs, oils, and crystals to the wax before it sets. You can also say a chant as you melt the wax and pour it into the molds. If you are consecrating a pre-made candle, you can anoint it with oil and roll it in an herbal blend while you chant. The above chants are simple and to the point, and should work as a generic blessing. If you have a specific deity or purpose for the spell, specify that in your chant.

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