Quartz and Candle Spell

SpellsLife  ► Wish  ► Quartz and Candle Spell
Casting instructions for a quartz and candle spell.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Candle associated with your intent.
  • Quartz crystal.

Casting Instructions for 'Quartz and Candle Spell'


For this spell you will need a quartz crystal and a candle associated with your intent. It is also helpful to perform this spell on a day who's properties are associated with your intent, though you don't necessarily have to(I have provided a list of candle colors to help you pick one associated with your intent. I have also provided a list of the days of the week and their correspondences. Both lists are located below.)

Candle Colors:

White: Protection, purification, peace, truth, and sincerity.

Red: Protection, strength, health, vigor, lust, sex, passion, courage, exorcism.

Black: Absorbing and destroying negativity, healing diseases, and banishing.

Light Blue: Tranquility, healing, patience, happiness.

Dark Blue: Change, flexibility, the subconscious mind, psychic work, and healing.

Green: Finances, money, fertility, prosperity, growth, luck, and employment.

Gray: Neutrality.

Yellow: Intellect, attraction, study, persuasion, confidence, and divination.

Brown: Working magic for animals, healing animals, and the home.

Pink: Love, honor, and friendship.

Orange: Adaptability, stimulation, and attraction.

Purple: Power, healing diseases, spirituality, and meditation.


Days of the Week:

Monday: The day of the moon, fertility, and healing.

Tuesday: The day of Mars, strength, and courage.

Wednesday: The day of Mercury, communication, study, and travel.

Thursday: The day of Jupiter, luck, and fortune.

Friday: The day of Venus, love, and relationships.

Saturday: The day of Saturn and clearing obstacles.

Sunday: The Day of the Sun, health, and success.

Once you have picked the candle best suited to your intent, use the tip of the crystal to either write a sentence explaining what you desire or draw a symbol associated with your intent into the side of the candle.

Once this is done, light the candle and visualize it glowing with the power of your intent. As the candle burns down visualize it releasing your wish and sending it out to be fulfilled.

For example, if you were casting this spell for protection, you could wait until a Tuesday. Use the crystal to carve a symbol of a shield into the side of the candle. Light it and then visualize the candle being filled with protective energies. As the candle burns down, visualize it sending out protective energy to either protect you or a loved one.


Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. - 1988, By Scott Cunningham.

Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. -  1993, by Scott Cunningham. 



Added to on Mar 12, 2017
Last edited on Dec 04, 2019
Part of the The Air Element Library.


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I have not seen this spell in years. It is basic candle Magik. You do not necessarily need a crystal for this spell. Since you are using the crystal to carve into the candle, you can use anything for that. A pin works. Pick the colour and the day for the specific energy you wish to manifest, or go with a white candle since it is a default colour. If colour is important to you, you can place the candle on a cloth of that colour, or get some construction paper. Same thing. This spell is rather simplistic and beginner friendly, it relies primarily on your ability to charge energy and set your intention.

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