Summoning an Undead Slave

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SpellsHealth  ► Resurrection  ► Summoning an Undead Slave
A slave fueled completely by the masters power.

Casting Instructions for 'Summoning an Undead Slave'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Large underground chamber
  • Corpses
  • Core of power
  • Core of dark energies alone
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Large underground chamber
  • Corpses
  • Core of power
  • Core of dark energies alone

The undead (anything from a skeleton to a 1 hour old corpse) requires no direct link to the master after it is created. All you need is a quick but powerful burst of power directed by your words, and if you are powerful enough, you can raise several slaves. It is recommended that you have done several power gaining rituals if you plan to keep the slave long-term, as it will decay if you do not rejuvenate it's flesh (does not concern skeleton.)

Raise your hands above the corpses head and chest and say loudly:" licentia mihi vox , quod operor meus bidding huic vultus!"

And in 2-3 days it shall be up and about! If it does not work you are not powerful enough, it took my teacher over 300 years to gain such power.


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Last edited on Jul 01, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Da heck

You cannot bring someone back from the dead to be your undead slave. Furthermore, the persons ''teacher'' cannot be 300 years old since humans are mortal and cannot live that long. This entire thing is ridiculous and pure fantasy.

May 23, 2024
Couldn’t the teacher have been a deity?

May 24, 2024
In regards to this spell, no. Deities are not dead, and you cannot revive them with a spell. A deity can help you on your path, but that is not how you work with them. You do not summon them, revive them, or cast a spell on them.

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