Hey Everyone!

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Hey Everyone!
Post # 1
My name is Nika, and I am 21 years old. I was raised Christian, but I stopped attending church when I was about 11, as I had too many questions and I didn't find myself believing in the faith. I considered myself as agnostic, until one day I stumbled upon Wicca. I realized I had already believed in much of the ideas Wicca presented, and I began to learn more about it. It made more sense to me than any other of the religions I had been exposed to as a child.

I have identified with Wicca for about 2 years, but I wasn't actively practicing it. I moved into a smaller home, in which I don't have room for an altar. My fiancé had gotten me a book about general Wicca, and within it they had mentioned online covens. I don't know why I hadn't thought of it before, but that is how I was led to this site.

I have a lot to learn about the craft, as I only know the very basics. I have visited Newbie Central already, and read the posts there. I am hoping to be accepted into a coven soon so that I may receive some guidance in my practice, and eventually will be able to help others.
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Re: Hey Everyone!
Post # 2
Welcome to the site, Nika! It sounds like you have the core of magick down, to be honest. Help people, and never let anything get in the way, even life. Anger and sadness are temporary, but magick will affect everything around you in more ways than you can believe. Good luck!
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