Vampires Aren't Real

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Re: Vampires Aren't Real
Post # 3
Great answer, Hylianmoon
I Can agree on that!

Re: Vampires Aren't Real
Post # 4
Hhaha yea but there is a huge difference between belief and facts... sorry for breaking your belief

Re: Vampires Aren't Real
Post # 5
I don't believe vampires exist. Unless they are sangunarian. It's a medical condition.

Re: Vampires Aren't Real
Post # 6
I think a lot of this really depends on what exactly you mean by vampire. If you are referring to modern culture's views on what a vampire is, then you're probably right... BUT if you look at history, the concept of the vampire shows up in numerous ancient cultures such as egypt, greece, china, tibet, etc. ..the vampire concept is even briefly mentioned in judeo-christian mythology with the story of Lilith. In many id these vampire stories, a vampire isn't a walking undead corpse, but a type of demon or spiritual creature. Sometimes in a human body,.sometimes not.
Now days, a lot of these people saying things like can u make me be vampire haha kthanks.... just watch too much twilight.
But some simply use the term vampire to describe a person who gains strength through psychic energy, blood sucking, sex, or personal interaction.

its really a broad category, so its hard to just say it doesn't exist.

Re: Vampires Aren't Real
Post # 7
Yea I agree with you a bit psmith lol

Re: Vampires Aren't Real
Post # 8
I get those messages so many times that I don't bother answering them anymore. I mean, they didn't even read my profile info! Then when I check their profiles, they don't have anything on it(no pic, no info, no birthday).
Grow up kiddies!

Re: Vampires Aren't Real
Post # 9
I was just asked to cast a spell on a kid to make him a werewolf as according to him, a white witch needs to cast it. This was after I sent him links to information about the Werewolf path. The kid didn't even bother to read an article about what the path actually is.
I don't so much mind a kid asking if I can turn him into a Vamp as I know they don't understand what the Vamp path is (unless they are obnoxious little fluffies), but when I send them links to show them it's a predatory path and should be refereed to as such in order to avoid looking like a role player and I see them post the same question in the forum a few days later, it does bother me. I don't follow either path, but I find it offensive to the occult/meta community.
I just think if someone is going to ask about a topic, the person should take some initiative and read about what they are saying.

Re: Vampires Aren't Real
Post # 10
I completely agree with you guidance.
I usually try to explain to them too but most of them seem to be hung up on the idea of the fantasy.... Which is why I made the post I did in this thread

Re: Vampires Aren't Real
Post # 11
I believe there not real, while others to. We each can believe something but that doesn't mean it's right!

I found this one quote on the internet and it states several things. It isn't right, but i can agree with it.
''One's view of something will always be viewed in a different way, in another set of eyes. Depending on the view, there will be facts, or just a belief. Depending on the question or statement there will always be good answers, and accurate ones, or there will be rude, and innacurate ones. Some accurate answers will be stated rudely, while other's kindly. It's up to you to decided if you will accept it, or argue. A belief is belief, and is allowed by everyone''

I agree with it! Vampire's aren't real in my view, I believe it's fantasy. In other's eyes however, it's a different view. There's a 9/10% that will argue. There's 1-3/10% that will agree. There's always believers, and non believers. You eier accept it, or complain. Either way you still get judged,

Re: Vampires Aren't Real
By: / Novice
Post # 12
Ok, Februus is stating a fact, backing up his statement with evidence [could of added more but whatever] if he had said 'the earth revolves around the sun. It has been proven in these ways...' This is a fact. Posting 'well this is your belief, mine is the sun revolves around the earth' doesn't help, it doesn't prove your point, it turns things in a way that no ones feelings get hurt. [This level playing field between fact and religious views is starting to drive me crazy.]

Is there any physical blood sucking vampires like in movies? No. In past cultures they had demons who fed on blood, but demons are not physical. There's also diseases and conditions where people are allergic to the sun, or have low iron, they are not vampires, but before modern medicine they were believed to be. Throughout history we have had killers who were believed to be vampires [like Vlad the Impaler] but they were not vampires, they were human who killed other humans in blood ways.

Are vampires astrally real, or demons? Maybe. This is a belief or theory, we can argue opinion. There are those who call on astral beings for guidance and protection, no one has the ability yet to scientifically prove or disprove the astral. If someone says the astral isn't real and therefore neither are astral vampires, this is a belief.

Psi [psychic] vampires, most view them as real, but they do not drink blood, or burn in the sun, or any of the other mythological stuff. They unknowingly tap into other living beings energy when they are low. This can be trained and controlled, but this is energy.

Sanguine Vampyres are normal humans who choose to live as a vampire. I have no problem with people choosing to live their life however they see fit, but they are not real vampires, they are humans.

Finally can magick change someone into a vampire? No. Magick is a force of nature which cannot contradict nature. Vampires aren't physically real, and humans cannot naturally wake up one day and change into another creature, so magick cannot do this either.

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