Please Pray

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Re: Please Pray
Post # 2
I know it is hard to lose a loved one, but even if you wore supposed to take care of him there is nothing you could have done eventually everyone goes, but thats just the circle of life something far above you me or anyone else including the gods that people pray to, the important thing is to live aur lifes to the fulles extant of them so that whe are not forgotten, and since you care enough to share such a terrible thing than remember those who have left this earth could wish for more, and no mather what whe do people will still dye, but whe all must move on, the best thing you can do four your dad is just to tell hin that you love him
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Re: Please Pray
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
I feel your anxiety. But a Stroke is not necessarily the end! Far from it. If as you say he is intensive care, then he has a good chance of recovery.
I do not pray, but you are in my thoughts, and I hope you have better news soon.
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Re: Please Pray
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
As Brysing said, it isn't necessarily the end. Anyone at any age can suffer from a stroke. You found him alive and made sure he received medical care. It sounds like you took care of him to me! We cannot be there every second of the day, and a stroke can even occur in someone's sleep.

You are already fearing his death but he is living and breathing. Focus on that and focus on him. He needs something to live for.

Also note that not everyone fears death. It is not uncommon for a couple that is very much in love to die days, weeks, or months apart from one another. Love is a strong force. So before healing him, consider whether or not he wants to move on. Otherwise, healing would be more curse than blessing.

I wish the best for your grandfather, whatever the best is for him.
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Re: Please Pray
Post # 5
It got worse. I was told that if I hadn't been there that he would be dead. Its just a heavy thing to think about
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Re: Please Pray
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 6
You gave him a second chance at life. Good job. Now it's the doctors position to see if they can extend it or not. It is no longer in your hands.

If you make a habit of taking care of others and do it well, it will happen more times than you would ever want. But that's a good thing, it means you are doing something right.

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Re: Please Pray
Post # 7
Brooklynn, what the doctors said about your quick action is true. Fast action is the most important thing to help I stroke patient.

And you provided that.

I will pray for you and your grandfather. And at this season of my life prayer and working seem to flow together.

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Re: Please Pray
Post # 8
Warmest Thoughts & Brightest Blessings for you and your family. I hope for a speedy recovery for your Grandfather.
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Re: Please Pray
Post # 9
UPDATE: he had a second stroke after getting to the hospital and it completely paralyzed his right side. he cant speak properly, can't eat or swallow, his nurses don't watch him, and he can't walk. He is currently in a nursing home as of 2 days ago. He hates it there and I do as well. My uncle kicked me out and proceeded to throw my Aunts Book of Shadows away that was my 14th bday Gift then wrote Jesus Christ ALL OVER my door the wrote HIS version of John 3:16 on my wall ALL IN SHARPIE... But thanks to him its just another reason to painy my room Blue XD
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Re: Please Pray
Post # 10
I am saddened to hear of your troubles. Some peoples bigotry astounds me to this day. I hope still that your Grandfather recovers. People have come back from worse. Hang in there. :-)
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Re: Please Pray
Post # 11
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