Thelema and its basics

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Thelema and its basics
Post # 1
Hello all:) To my surprise I have gotten quite the number of requests asking me explain what Thelema is and its basics. Well after much thought on the subject I have decided to post what I have learned over the years on my own and from a few close friends and loved ones. Thelema and how it got started: Thelema is a religion that was created by infamous Ceremonial Magician Aleister Crowley in the early 20th century. This came about when Crowley and his wife Edith Rose had a rather strong Spiritual experience in Egypt the year 1904. After which Crowley believed himself to be a Prophet of Horus. According to Crowley while in a trance like state a "praeterhuman" being that called itself Aiwass contacted him and dictated a text known as "The Book of the Law" a.k.a Liber AL vel Legis. A book that outlined the principles of Thelema. Followers of this path are called Thelemites (pronounced Th-ell-ie-mites) who strongly believe Crowley's claims and who often spend years dedicating themselves to learning all of his teachings and forms of Magick. One of the most Common symbols is the Unicursal Hexagram which holds the Eclectic Flower which pins its roots in Eclectic Wicca. Rituals:
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Re: Thelema and its basics
Post # 2
Aaah I accidentally clicked submit before I finishedXD And the delete button won't work
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Re: Thelema and its basics
Post # 3
What you've got is pretty informative
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