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Re: Starseeds
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
I'd classify myself as an Indigo, and starseed. I fit 90% of the characteristics of both, and since I believe in reincarnation and E.T.s it's logical for me to believe in the starseed phenomena.
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Re: Starseeds
Post # 12
was this when you first developed your empathic ahilities?
My abilities first started coming out of NO WHERE when I felt this guy's energy on the bus. I didn't like it.. I felt like I was being invaded. this was the very first time I experienced my abilities. also another time, this guy sat next to me on the bus and I had a very sick to my stomach, bad vibe from him.. a few seconds later, he pulled out his phone and started cussing to his friend.
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Re: Starseeds
Post # 13
Yes the very first time. They came out of NOWHERE too.
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Re: Starseeds
Post # 14
oh boy.. I remember thinking "Gahh what is this?!" I believed in psychic abilities, healing power of crystals, ect, and I was starting my spiritual path and waking up. I never knew feeling stuff was possible. oh, and I remember when I first communed with a spirit. it was with my deceased grandmother. out of sheer random, this happened after the experience on the bus, I felt my grandmother, received a vision/message from her, and I heard telepathically, like a random voice in my head. I never knew you could feel spirit, or hear or 'see' spirit. of course now I'm much more educated and much more developed.
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Re: Starseeds
Post # 15
I used to do same things, but I kinda controlled it to a point where I don't get much.... And then lots of other things happened and I sorta blocked it all out. Sometimes other people's thoughts seep in, but I still can telepathically speak to others, like with a friend of mine on here, I sent him an image :3
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Re: Starseeds
Post # 16
My friends say I'm an empath since whenever they describe a certain feeling to me, including pain, I'll feel it. It even happens when I read a book. My energy experiences are very different from the ones you've all been describing, so I'm probably not a starseed. Can you give any recommendations on how to improve my ability to sense energy? Right now all I can do is see auras (which change depending of people's moods) and sense when my Mom is doing healing.
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