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Re: Darkness?
Post # 22
darknees is just more fun then light
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Re: Darkness?
Post # 23
I don't agree with the person on top of me.
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Re: Darkness?
Post # 24
I agree with the person before the person who posted before me.
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Re: Darkness?
Post # 25
I agree with Kinari, the coven of "Dragon Magick" is in my sights, their teachings are nonsense from what I've seen, they know little to nothing about the kind either, and are just going on plugs from either roleplay garbage or badly researched material. Then again I have not seen much to make too big of a judgment, but it seems to be a major blight on this website, I would gladly challenge the priest any day on his knowledge of Dragonkind.
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Re: Darkness?
Post # 26
And to think i was going to join dragon magick...

I dont agree with it being more fun light.

For one its more dangerous.
For Two What A Childish Answer!
Thats Stupid Thing To Say.

And I Agree With Lord Sidionus (Forgive me if i spelt it incorrectly) Totally about Dragon Magic Its A Bunch Of Roleplayers thats there spells books are a load of crap.None of there spells work at all.
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Re: Darkness?
Post # 27
Sidonus and Florence, you are both correct and at the same time wrong in a way. The coven that is there now could be considered dead, but there was a time when there was a council that knew what they were talking about and helped a lot of people. That coven used to have my support due to that and it was the coven that got me started here, but an inactive Priest and Priestess basically killed the coven. Those who were on the council eventually left for the website they created, those who were serious members left because they were not being taught, and now the coven here is just a shell of a coven that has been abandoned. No council, an inactive Priest, an inactive Priestess, and nobody left to teach.

If you seriously want to learn Dragon Magick I suggest you check out the website created for it; http://dragonmagickcoven.webs.com/

And Florence, you should know that whether or not a spell works depends entirely on the caster. Several people have gotten those spells to work, in fact I just sent a message to one who did explaining what should happen next. Perhaps Dragon Magick just isn't the path for you? Or perhaps you just didn't have enough confidence. Either way, it works for others and so I believe it is wrong to say that it's crap.

Finally, about darkness being more fun then light, that is not the only reason I like darkness more. Darkness or very dim lighting is much easier on my eyes. Light, especially sunlight, tends to make my eyes feel like needles(and sometimes nails, if the light is bright enough) are being drilled through them, through my skull, and deep into my brain. Light hurts. Darkness is so much more soothing and relaxing. In terms of magick, it's also much easier for me to work with. It is not dangerous, it is not deadly, it is not unsafe in any way, and there is nothing wrong with it. At least for me, I could say that working with light is dangerous because unlike darkness the light hurts.
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Re: Darkness?
Post # 28
Okay Rag I Have Been Looking At Some Posts That You Have Been In And Your Always Right No Matter what Anyone Else Says So.
I'm Going To Correct Myself Instead Of Going Against You.

I Admit That It Was Wrong To Say Its Crap So.

Could You Please Name Some Spells That Actually Work?

And Maybe Your Right.
Maybe Dragon Magik Isnt For Me.

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Re: Darkness?
Post # 29
I'm hoping you're saying I'm always right simply because you haven't found an argument in which I was proven wrong. In which case, that's probably because I'm very careful about which arguments I get involved in. :)

The spells that work in the Dragon Magick coven are for coven members only. All I remember is that the one that works is generally a spell to help you meet your dragon which is about the same as meeting a spirit guide. Some people believe it's the same thing, with your spirit guide simply taking the form of a dragon. Anyways, I looked at the list again and it looks like someone(Priest/Priestess) put a kid on the council just for the sake of adding spells... a few of the new spells look like they were inspired by anime. It's no wonder, having seen those, that you said the spells were crap and I am very disappointed in that coven.

I'll talk to DH about working something out for you, get a spell or two from him, and then send you a message. That way we can get you a few new spells and get this thread back onto the topic of debating on whether or not comforting darkness is better then the blinding light.
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Re: Darkness?
Post # 30
Ahhh the Darkness...

Humans by nature are not nocturnal beings or inclined to live in mostly-dark habitats. This is mostly due to our eyesight; we don't have great night vision, meaning being awake and trying to hunt and function at night can be troublesome. Through the evolution of technology we can now manage pretty well in the dark, and if you get into the habit of being awake at night your biorhythms will shift to that of a more nocturnal being. I know this thread isn't about physical darkness, per se, but I think biology is something these Uber Dark Gloom and Doom kids need to understand.

But we do have spiritual inclinations toward darkness: why do we close our eyes to sleep, in prayer, when afraid? Because darkness is a way to enlightenment, and it can be a sort of sanctuary to hide us from the horrors that we see by light.

For me, the darkness shows wonders that can't be seen by light. It gives certain beings, certain energies, more form and substance than the light can and the dark is very protective, very defensive, when used correctly. There's nothing wrong with devoting yourself to the darker side of life but you have to be aware that life doesn't run purely internally; we're very external beings and so we effect each other. Show those of the light the same respect you'd like from them, instead of insisting that your way of life is correct. Without the light you'd have no darkness, and vice-versa.

Now if we're talking about the correlation of darkness=evil and devoting your life to negative, evil, whatever workings, I think those practitioners should be aware and prepared to receive the things they send out. If you allow yourself to hurt others you allow others to hurt you; conversely I do believe that if someone hurts you, you are allowed to hurt them back (but it's a far more complex philosophy than I can really rant about here, lol).

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Re: Darkness?
Post # 31
Yes Of Course Rag Thank You Very Much.
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