The Recipe Center

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Re: The Recipe Center
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
Tumeric " golden milk " tea

Tumeric is a strong anti-infammatory and is high in anti-oxidants, great if you need something to kick your cold or sore muscles. It also makes you want to get in your pajamas and read a good book :) This recipe is per one cup of milk, I like to make a big batch of the mix in a mason jar so I can make it whenever I feel like. It has a good shelf life.

1 teaspoon dried, powdered tumeric
1 teaspoon of honey
A pinch of black pepper (Optional, but the black pepper helps you absorb the tumeric, don't worry you don't taste it)
A pinch of cinnamon

Mix the honey, tumeric, pepper if wanted, and honey. Warm up one cup of milk, it can be almond, soy, or coconut milk if you'd like. Pour the warm milk over the honey mixture and stir it up. You're done! Drink it while it's warm and enjoy a cozy drink.

Re: The Recipe Center
Post # 12
~Protection Water~
This you can use to keep bad energies out. You can spray in in your circle or around your doors and windows for a room with positive energies.

~You Need~
Sea Shell (optional)
Window Seal
Clear Cup

Okay to start off grab a cup about as tall as your hand. Put the shell in the bottom of the cup. Pour very hot water in the cup until it is 3 quarters of the way full. Then fill the cup 1/5 of the way with salt. Stirr the mixture the best you can and put it in a window seal. Wait one full day before use. You can now use your water.

Re: The Recipe Center
By: / Beginner
Post # 13

When I'm about to get a cold or I'm sick, I use two essential oils:

  • Ravintsara oil:

You can put a bit of this oil on your skin. It helps clearing your nose and helps also when your head hurts. It is also known for helping against herpes, and immune defficience. You can also diffuse the oil in a room with help of a arome diffuser. If you have some allergies it can calm them before going to sleep.

  • Origan vulgaris oil:

It's a practical oil you can use, it is anti-infectuos, immunostimulant and tonniffies you. You can blend a bit of this oil with a vegetal oil as "Ricin oil" and put it on your skin. Like for example around your nose.

I'm sorry for my bad english and hope it will help you out, even if it's not really recepies.

Re: The Recipe Center
By: / Beginner
Post # 14

Hi! Here Is one of my favorite recepys against pimples. It's really helpful. I recommend to use it in the evening and night, because the oils can be a bit smelly (but it smells good).

You have to blend:

- 1/3 of Niaouli oil

- 2/3 of Ricin oil

You can use the mixture on you face. Apply the mixture on your "problem areas", you should already see positive effects the next morning!

It's perfect for persons who have acne or even just a few pimples.

Do not forget to try the mixture on your hand or arm, to see if you have any allergic reactions agains the oils, before putting it on your face.

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