Zoe/Nokomis's Profile

Member Info
Name: Zoe/Nokomis
Location: British Columbia
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 20 Mar 2019
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello! I'm Zoe. I'm a new Wiccan who can't control her magick very well but can control energy and see spirits. Don't ask how that happened. I don't know either. My strongest skill is either telekinesis (I can roll a ball or spin a pendant, that's it) or weather spells (Good at summoning wind. Bad at stopping it.). Don't flirt with me, I'm 15 and a lesbian. My first spell that I created: Solaris. Focus on changing the weather to sun, point your wand at the sky, and say loudly and clearly, "Solaris!" The first time I used it, the weather changed almost instantly.