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Search Results for magic
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Forum Post
...I've looked over this site,and maybe I may have overlooked this,but I don't see any potion's or how to make them. More than likely,I overlooked it,but I need a potion to lose weight and just how to make potions period! Could someone please mail me or drop a comment here for...
strory telling magic? - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I was googling the word magic this afternoon. Around page 8 out of 1000 there was mention of story telling magic and I was wondering how do you do this? Its not a pressing thing. Its just a oh I didn't know that was possible.Spell Suggestions strory telling magic? Reply to...
New Magic Wiki - Magic Forums
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...Hi, I need some help with a new wiki I've created ( but I am having some difficulty with editing and creating new pages and was wondering if there would be anyone willing to lend a hand or at least give it a look and decide whether you wish to contribute....
Old spell, Black Magic - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Hey, i found an old spell which is in one of my Demonology stuff where i store information, and i found this spell. Its some pretty dark Black Magic since out of the translations, its a combination of summon, death and banishing. Ill explain it: What you need: Is the Demon...
New to Magic - Magic Forums
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...Dear Magick Lovers, Can someone have me as their apprentice? I Love seeing how Magic spells are prepared!!! I practiced one spell over my house one day, and it got really mesed up. I forgot to add Bay leaves!!!! Can we meet up and chat?!! You can come to my house,...
Theory of Magic - Magic Forums
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...So basically magik is whoever its holder feels it is. You do what a spell recommends as a ground-base of your belief, and alas that belief and the spell itself mold together. I get it! This is like the feeling of time. If you ever went back in time to set...
magic and music - Magic Forums
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...when i am trying to find something and am having trouble i find that when i do spell to find the missing item i tend to sing the spell (even if i start by just saying the spell by the end i'm singing it) and i can never remember the exact...
Ash Magic - Magic Forums
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...What are Different Kinds of Ash Magic? What Can you do with Ashes for magic? Anything Else? Please give detailed Thorough replies. Misc Topics Ash magic Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Ash magic.......
Candle magic - Magic Forums
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...I just picked up some red candels today and I would like to know how every one else uses them any tips for a beginner ? Site Spells Discussion Candle magic Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Candle magic.......
Believe in magic. - Magic Forums
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...I thought it would be quite interesting if anyone could make a spell to make somebody believe in magic. I know there are alot of non-believers out there. Spell Suggestions Believe in magic. Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Believe in...
Magic - Magic Forums
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...I want to be able to cast and do magic but I don't know how to am a beginner General Info magic Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a new new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest magic.......
can u teleport with magic
Forum Post
...i'm new to magic and i was wondering if you can teleport Spell Suggestions can u teleport with magic Reply to this post oldest 1 1 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest can u teleport with magic.......
The Sound of Magic - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...We all use magical tools in the craft to aid us in our energy work. There are wands, pendulums, athames, bells the list is endless and we all discuss them from time to time. However, this post is about a lesser discussed toolthe Singing Bowl. And Id like to bring to...
Dark Magic - Magic Forums
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...Hello guys, I want to learn Dark Magic Spells. I mean not the spells that summon the spirits but the spells that can increase my strength and agility. Spell Suggestions Dark magic Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Dark magic By:.......
herbal/oil magic - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...hey everyone i was asking if if anyone had any ideals on oils and herbs to use for spells. if you go to my page you can see the spells that i do. if anyone needs my help just contact me on facebook. fb:jacob redwood Spell Suggestions herbal/oil magic Reply to...
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