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SpellsSpiritual  ► Defense  ► Conjuring
This spell is used to summon up vapor monsters and animals.

Casting Instructions for 'Conjuring'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing

Go outside on the full moon, it as to be night time. Now, focus on what monster or Animal you want to summon. Let the moon reflect off you. Focus and say "Gods, and goddesss all, Summon up something, terrifying for me, by the power within. Mote It Be!" Say this ten times. It takes about a min. 


Added to on Mar 10, 2013
Last edited on Feb 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot create a living, breathing animal out of thin air. You also cannot control vapor to take the form of animals with words. The closest to creating vapor animals I can think of is using nicotine-free vape smoke and creating shapes with that, but it is difficult.

This does not work. Firstly, you cannot summon physical animals to your side. Secondly, ''vapor monsters'' are not a thing. I assume these are either astral creatures or a type of servitor or thoughtform. In either case, this still would not work because you need more than a vague ''here monster'' to create a thoughtform or summon an astral being. A lot more energy and steps go into summoning's and creation of energetic beings, so unless this is completely rewritten, it will not work. And no matter how much you try, no spell will make a physical animal appear before you out of thin air.

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