Banish Lucifer

SpellsSpiritual  ► Banishing  ► Banish Lucifer
A spell to banish Lucifer morning star

Casting Instructions for 'Banish Lucifer'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your own blood
  • Paper with the spell on it
  • A match
  • Three black candles
  • A white rose
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your own blood
  • Paper with the spell on it
  • A match
  • Three black candles
  • A white rose
Read from the piece of paper out loud bless the match with a blazing seal
Light the candles and after you read it out loud
Burn the paper

Lucifer I called thy name stand for in face to judgment you are the oldest in the truest sense of evil before my Lord my Savior prepare Lucifer cast you to the depths of hell so you never to return this world 5 pillars of fire 9 colors of salt little baby remember 7 pentagrams in a circle I call unto my Lord and Savior and the Archangel Michael the and the Angel Azazel for delivery of your soul from this world give me thine strength oh lord I pray unto thee give me the strength to power the energy to perform your will in the seven seals the True Cross 9 Pillars of fire I banish thee from this world Satan Amen


Added to on May 16, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This spell should be taken down. Firstly for using your own blood which is dangerous. And more importantly, brainwashing people that Lord Lucifer is evil. That's in Christianity. Not in our practice as witches. Lucifer isn't an ''evil'' demon. We don't see him like that. In our practice Lord Lucifer is one of our God's and Deities who we worship. Lucifer actually means Light Bringer. The Bible got converted into Christianity belief. Where it actually originally came from Paganism. Which has since been the dawn of time.

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