Candle Wax Scrying

SpellsBeauty  ► Good Luck  ► Candle Wax Scrying
Candle wax scrying is a type of divination.

Casting Instructions for 'Candle Wax Scrying'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • One clear bowl (color doesn't matter, unless you wish it to. Red/pink for love, blue for clear mindedness, green for career/money related or luck, ect.)
  • Candle (again, color doesn't matter unless you want it to)
  • Water to fill the bowl
  • Lighter/Matches
  • Sage stick, or incense you use for cleansing (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • One clear bowl (color doesn't matter, unless you wish it to. Red/pink for love, blue for clear mindedness, green for career/money related or luck, ect.)
  • Candle (again, color doesn't matter unless you want it to)
  • Water to fill the bowl
  • Lighter/Matches
  • Sage stick, or incense you use for cleansing (optional)

First, you're going to need to cleanse your bowl Yes, cleanse your bowl. If you do not have something to use for cleansing, that's okay.

If you do not have sage/incense: You're going to need to hold the bowl in your hands and close your eyes. Visualize all negative energy flowing out of the bowl. Say a passage or something you have writted to cleanse the bowl. It can be as simple as: 

"I cleanse and purify this bowl completely and rid of all negative energies in this object." If you have a diety you work with for divination (such as Apollon for Hellenes), you can continue to say "in the name of [their name]". 

If you do have sage/incense: Light the sage or incense. Let the smoke wrap itself all around the bowl. Say your passage for cleansing, or repeat the above passage to cleanse the bowl. 

After you are done with that, you won't need the sage or incense unless you wish. If not needed, extinguish. 

Fill your bowl with water. Have your question ready, and light your candle. Make sure you tilt your candle to the side, so that the wax is dripping into the water. Don't rest your arm on the table. Keep your arm steady (it's going to burn!) and make sure it doesn't move. This part is going to take a while, so prepare yourself. Let the wax drip for however long you feel is needed. Mainly a giant wax blob forms in the bowl, and there are other little blobs of wax floating in the bowl. This is usually a good sign. If a blob doesn't form, that is perfectly okay.

Once you feel that you've let the wax drip long enough, extinguish your candle. 

The next thing you want to look for in the bowl, is images. Something of significance towards you. If you were divining something for love, you would look for a heart, or something in the shape of a person (or maybe even two people together). Keep looking for something that pops out to you the most. This is the key for the answer, because you will not get words. 

After you are done, scoop the wax out of the bowl and do what you wish to it. I would recommend you dispose of the water in the grass outside. 


Added to on Oct 03, 2014
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the The Path of the Shaman Library.


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