Emotional Help

SpellsBeauty  ► Cure  ► Emotional Help
This is a short Latin spell that should help you throughout emotional turmoil. You can either read in Latin, or in English. The spell is listed in the Confidence category, the Healing Category, and the Cure Category.

Casting Instructions for 'Emotional Help'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Tea (Optional)
  • Candles (Recommended, not required)
  • Lighter/Matches,etc (Recommended, not required)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Tea (Optional)
  • Candles (Recommended, not required)
  • Lighter/Matches,etc (Recommended, not required)

During anytime throughout the year, this spell can be used. You must have conviction and belief in the spell. 


Latin Translation: 

Et ego ivocabo Deum, Aesculapius ut in me auxilium consequantur tempus motus in sanitatem interitu. Placere conversus consolatus es me in hac pugna. Libenter auxilium somno et sana me pernoctet. Ego gratias ago tibi, et benedicat tibi, et cum potentia Triquetra tres, hoc est voluntatis, sic fiat semper.

English Translation: 

I call upon the god, Aesculapius, to help me attain emotional healing during this time of turmoil. Please comfort me throughout this fight. Help sleep happily, and heal me throughout the night. I thank you and bless you and with the power of the Triquetra three, this is my will, so mote it be.


Added to on Sep 06, 2020
Last edited on May 07, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Firstly, Aesculapius is the Roman God of healing ass Asclepius is the Greek God of healing. Neither is a Goddess, so you might want to reword the spell. You probably don't want to offend the God you are calling upon for help.

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