Prayer to Lord

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SpellsBeauty  ► Cure  ► Prayer to Lord
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Casting Instructions for 'Prayer to Lord'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Cross
  • One white candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Cross
  • One white candle
Light the candle. Hold the Cross and say: Dear Lord, Holy Jesus Christ, forgive me my sins and give warmth of your mercy. So mote it be.


Added to on Jun 15, 2017
Last edited on Jan 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This prayer worked for me, thanks...Amen😌😌😌

Are ya a Christian Magician?🤔

Hail Satan! Kidding!

Should the candle finish burning before living the place.

May 25, 2021
Depends on the candle. I feel this should have a pillar or votive candle [tall candles usually in glass jars] so you would say the prayer and leave it on your altar while you do devotional work, then snuff it out and light the candle the next time you're calling on the holy spirit, deity, or whoever the candle represents. If this prayer was being used in conjunction with a spell [say a blessing or cleansing] I would use a smaller candle [tealight candle, birthday candle, mini ritual candles] these are meant to burn quicker and be used once. Ask yourself what your intent of this prayer is and that should determine the candle you need.

I know very little about the practices of Christians, but I feel if you are not sincere and take time to reflect on your ''sins'' this is hollow and superfluous. A simple statement means nothing if you do not put effort in. Take time to determine your faults and how you plan to walk a more Christ like path.

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