Tips for Writing Spells

Writing spells is fairly easy, however, the goal it that you want people to read your spells and use them. That being said a few spell writing tips are useful.

If you follow these tips, more people will read your spellbook and return time and time again.

  1. Check your spelling - Write out words completely.
    Good: "This spell will make you more powerful."
    Bad: "This spell will make u more powerful"
  2. Use proper capitalization - Capitalize the name of your spell like book titles.
    Good: Make Yourself Stronger
    Bad: make yourself powerful
  3. Keep the summary short - One sentence that says what the spell does.
    Good: This spell makes you more powerful against physical attacks.
  4. Use HTML - You really only need to know 3 things:
    1. Adding the following <p> will make a paragraph break. This a double spaced line between two paragraphs. Breaking the instructions up into paragraphs makes the spell easier to read.
    2. Adding the following <br> will make a line break. This is a single spaced line, useful when you want to start a new line right under the previous one, like when you have a spell to chant.
    3. Adding the following <chant> will indent and italisize a segment of the spell instructions. Put </chant> where you want this effect stopped. Whenever your spell asks the caster to say something, wrap it inbetween <chant> and </chant>.
    4. Do not use any other HTML unless you are absolutly sure you know what you are doing.
  5. Do not include information about who added the spell in the spell itself. A link is automatically created when you add a spell that links back to your profile, so people will always know who added what spells. Adding a line saying you created the spell makes the spell look unprofessional.
Following these simple steps will make you look more intelligent and keep visitors returning to your spellbook and your coven. riests and priestesses should make sure all the spells in their spellbooks follow these guidelines and edit them if they do not.