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Post # 1
My wish to be financially successful never came true. I was born into a poor family where my parents had a fight and then divorced. I was in an orphanage with my brothers for 3 years.
When I grew up, I tried to make money as a Herbalife distributor and then with Amway, but I didn't succeed. Lately I'm not doing well on the internet either, I'm looking for work online. I have a basic education. I do not know what to do...
My questions are: How to really wish for something correctly so that it comes true? And how should I recognize spiritual beings who fulfill human wishes?
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Re: Hello
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
If it was that easy, we would all be rich!

The one thing you can guarantee when you walk into the "Self Help" and "Esoteric" section at the bookstore is that you'll see the words money, love, and power. Why? Because it sells.

Although magick has been used successfully by some to earn a large sum of money here and there, it's not a long term solution to financial success.

I'm not sure how old you are, but my best advice to you is to get into the restaurant industry. It's one of the few work cultures that you can start off as a busboy and work your way up to chef or manager without a single college course. You won't be rich, but you can certainly earn a living wage.

It's also easy to use magick to get better tips! ...not that I ever did that when I waited tables in the 2000's. ;)

I may not be the spiritual being you hoped for, but sometimes the answers we are looking for can be found through the humans around us too.

Good luck and goddess bless!
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Re: Hello
Post # 3

There is nothing wrong in making a wish, or wishing in general. I myself, just like everyone else I'm sure, made a wish.
Wishing for something, is having hope, its believing.

You wish to be financially successful, so you keep that hope alive, you keep believing and you make that wish a reality. You work towards this wish.
Reading your post, i feel and I pick up on your energy, and I feel that you are a very strong individual, a caring individual, an independent individual, given the issues that you faced and had to overcome. And still you have determination as your driving force.

With this traits that you possess, this is your tools to use correctly, you use your intention, you channel your energy through your intensions. You give it time to manifest as patience is key.

Your intention, or your wish is to be financially successful, so use your own energy, and grant this wish, make it a reality, use your traits, and your qualities correctly in attaing this desire.

Spiritual entities are there to guide us, and help us in making correct choices, they help us in making our dreams a reality, to help fulfil our desires, and they are certainly there to help us make our wishes come true. We have got to put in the effort and our fair share, and most definitely so, hard work pays off, and when you realise that your wishes are coming to pass, you will undoubtedly reckonise this spiritual entities who fulfil human wishes.

Believe in yourself, and believe that you will make your wishes to be granted.

Blessed Be
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