Legal help asap plz

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Legal help asap plz
Post # 1
Hello everyone. Im fairly new to the world of Magick but have had been interested since I was very young as I have my own ‘gifts’ and never really knew what they were or what to do with them. My searching brought me here. I’ve tried a few simple spells for some basic luck that I found on this amazing website and so far so good. But now I need some serious legal help and possibly someone willing to be a mentor for lack of a better word. I don’t just want someone to tell me what to do but I would like to learn.
I need a spell for a legal case. I’ve been with my partner for 5 years and we’ve only been married a few month. It’s been a very tumultuous relationship and extremely abusive. Physically, mentally, emotionally I am filing a VAWA application (violence against women’s act). I have some evidence of the abuse over the years but maybe or maybe not enough to win the case, due the fact that I was and am still very much in love with my husband and I hoped one day he would get better but it never happened. So I didn’t start collecting evidence until recently. We have 2 incredible, blessed children who are my only reason for living at this point. I am submitting my application to the US government next week and need a spell to make sure i win. The alternative doesn’t end well for anyone…. Please if someone could help me I’d be forever grateful.

Blessed be
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Re: Legal help asap plz
Post # 2
I generally don't give legal advice on line as it's not the proper forum. Go to family court in your area and file a petition, the clerk can tell you how to file and give you an attorney if you can't afford one. I only know NY law and it sounds like you might live in another area. Good luck. Family court can be hard, but it can be worth it. Most states have similar laws/rules.
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Re: Legal help asap plz
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I am pretty late to this one, but I have some thoughts. Cases can take a long time so hopefully the timing is still relevant.

I don't think there are any really good/dependable spells a person could work to specifically sway a court case to your favor. It seems like a simple ask on the surface, but influences are complicated. Especially when it comes to the modalities and philosophies behind will and influence. It would just take too much to conceive rvery aspect of a case that would potentially be affected.

But, If you examine what a verdict is centered around, and what the (at least intended) purpose of court and arbitration is, you could develop or find a working that .ight work with the case instead of potentially against it. After all, an object is easiest to move when you choose a direction that is down-hill.

Court is about finding truth, and using that truth to find a solution. So a working geared towards bringing forward and exposing truth would be your best ally. It is already the thing the judge/jury are wanting to find so they are looking for it. The idea lies in gaining help to provide it.

Perhaps a spell geared towards removing illusion (like a husband's 'nice' facade), or an appeal to a deity responsible for justice or insight/wisdom. For example if your own practice follows the roman/Greek pantheons then Circe could help. She is a Greek God associated with sorcery and illusion, onee who creates them would also be good for helping break them too.

Anything involving a lifting or parting of veils(illusions, not barriers) or banishing of lies could help as well.
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Re: Legal help asap plz
Post # 4
Maybe try a luck spell? I don’t know any spells that will 100% win a court case.

Stay safe and hope you win

Ps:I’m late so that’s bad
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