Findngmslf33's Profile

Member Info
Name: Findngmslf33
Birthday: Aug 1 1994
Location: New Jersey
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 07 Mar 2024
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello everyone
I?m fairly new to the world of Magick. I have some of my own gifts that I?ve had since I was a child that has always kept one of my feet dipped in the spiritual side of things but only recently have I embraced my gift fully and am seeking answers to them. I want to learn everything there is to know about magick, it’s annd our place in the world and how I can use my gifts and abilities in a beautiful way for myself and my family. I?ve had a pretty traumatic life and so far learning about Magick has brought such a sense of inner peace to my soul that I thought I could never attain.
I don?t know anyone aside from my husband that would be accepting of my new belief system and so I?m hoping to make some friends using this website and hopefully find a mentor. Someone who wants to impart their years of wisdom as much as I want to learn them! Please reach out I?d love to hear from u all :)
Blessed be