Misanthropy Appreciation!

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Misanthropy Appreciation!
Post # 1

To me, Misanthropy is a person that more should look up to. She is one of the most honest and down-to-earth people I have ever encountered. My specific Path for my Craft was inspired by one of her quotes from her bio:

I heal and hex as I see fit.

Misanthropy heavily inspired me to begin an active practice in my Craft, especially in sigil magic and gray magic. I just wanted to make this thread for me and other members of SoM to show their gratitude for her, since I think sheis overlooked alongsidethe other administrators/editors, and I want to give her a little boost in her confidence!

We appreciate you so much , Misanthropy! Extra special thanks from me, Astralagoon, for you have inspired my Craft to become how it is today.

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Re: Misanthropy Appreciation!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Thank you for the kind words. It's always nice to know that the work we do around the website is noticed and appreciated. Sometimes it doesn't always feel like it. That said, a moderator appreciation thread would be more appropriate, however. Kts, Lark, Linda, and all of the other moderators that have come and gone have put so much work and time into the site, that they all deserve just as much love and appreciation.

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Re: Misanthropy Appreciation!
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Notion seconded! I think some sort of a "Kudos" thread for all of you guys is a great idea. A place where we can toot horns and appreciate the people who have contributed so much of their time and effort so generously and meaningfully.

Though I would want to extend it to anyone who is deserving be they mod or not. Praise earned is praise deserved.
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Re: Misanthropy Appreciation!
By: / Beginner
Post # 4

I quite like this idea, haha. My personal nominations go to Nekoshema and Tadashi for cleaning up the website and explaining to the newbies why certain spells do and dont work.

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Member Appreciation
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5

I would like to add Spirit76 to the list of appreciated and active members. They are knowledgeable and always willing to help our newbies out and answer questions. Much love Spirit and keep being amazing!

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Re: Misanthropy Appreciation!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6

Thank you Mis! You are an inspiration to many and I find you always willing to help a true seeker <3

I agree we should be appreciating all of our past and current moderators as well as editors, publishers, priests, priestesses, and council members as well as the great contributing members past and present but also in the future as this website ever evolves! So much talent as been a apart of this website either long term or briefly depending on the many variables the universe can have.

I pray those that are seeking to begin or add to their bank of occult and esoteric knowledge, do find their way here if only to connect with others of like mind, be it however long the universe allots <3

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Re: Misanthropy Appreciation!
By: / Novice
Post # 7
@ Prismlight, wow, thank you ^_^ You're too kind. I'm just happy to help. I love this site. I found it back in high school and it helped me so much, I just want to help others.

I'd also like to thank Misanthropy. She's helped a lot and deserves appreciation. [I'd also like to say a personal thanks for being there. You've helped me a lot and are an inspiration. Thank you]

Same with a lot of members on this site, past and present [like kts said] so many members have made this site what it is. Many have left, but we still have a few users who have been here a long time, and we meet new members who are just as brilliant.

It's always wonderful to meet new members eager to learn or teach. That's what I like about this site, if you're lost, there's always someone to help you find your way again ^_^
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Re: Misanthropy Appreciation!
By: / Novice
Post # 8

I cannot agree more. The whole website has an amazing moderation team that are very knowledgeable in their respective practices. It is always a delight to read their threads and gain more knowledge.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the effort that Misanthropy, Lark, Kts, and the rest of the moderation team puts into the website and keeping it safe.

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