When to do spells?

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When to do spells?
Post # 1
I haven’t done a spell in ages, last spell was a healing candle spell with a candle and a few herbs. I want to practice more but I don’t know what spell to even do, like I’ve already done protection jars why would I do a protection candle. Another thing is I don’t see when to do cleansing or protection spell. When is the appropriate time to ever do anything late that. I feel a really strong pull to candle work but I don’t know what candle work I can do
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Re: When to do spells?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Figure out what entities or type of energy youre pulling together. Then look at planetary correspondences. So Venus is associated with Fridays, the Sun with Sundays etc... Correspondences help with using auspicious moments for what type of work youre doing. Then the rest is your set up and visualization and release. Hope this helps. So like search engine: "planetary correspondence spells" will get you started. Hope this helps.

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Re: When to do spells?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Merry Meet,

Candle spells can be as simple as lighting a coloured candle or as complex as dressing it with herbs and burning it for a week. You should start with birthday candles, as they burn out quickly so you do not need to spend a lot of time focusing if you are not used to it. If you have scented candles, research the Magikal correspondences associated with the scent and light it with the intention to conjure that energy.

Do not feel bad if you cannot cast spells on a regular basis. Few witches actually do elaborate spells on a regular basis. Most spells are simple and worked into their daily routine. You could consider taking one day a week to work on your craft. Yellow candles are great for spells involving study. You could create a ritual where you light a yellow candle as you work on your grimoire. I will link two resources below to help you get started.

Colour correspondences: https://forestofwisdom.com.au/blogs/into-the-forest/beginner-s-guide-to-spell-candle-magick-and-colour-correspondences

Signs associated with candle Magik: https://www.groveandgrotto.com/blogs/articles/the-candle-signs-dictionary

Blessed Be.
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Re: When to do spells?
Post # 4

Hello! I think I could help you out with your troubles.

For spells in general, a generic timing rule is that waxing moon = bringing in and waning = casting out .
For cleansings, it's best to do them during the waning moon, since you're casting out the things you are cleansing yourself against. For protection, it's best for during a waxing moon or a full moon, since you're bringing in protective energies.
The best advice I can give you for that is to go with what you think is right.

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Re: When to do spells?
By: / Novice
Post # 5
I think that generally-speaking magic is only meant to be worked when it is needed. After-all magic is an expression of will towards a goal. You don't wash already clean dishes and, likewise, there is no need to cleanse an already clear space. Why spend energy and supplies on something when it isn't needed? And without a goal in mind there's no direction for your energy to follow. There's nowhere for it to go.

If you are looking for activities you can do to feel closer to your practice and magic in general, I would suggest doing things that are more devotional in nature. Or things that bring your thoughts and attention towards a magical-focused mindset.

Sitting and reading a book that gets your ming turning for example; Be it re-reading something already in your library and thinking about the philosophies within, or finding something new with ideas you may have not considered before. Studies on the history of magic, the roles it played in life, the history and tales of a deity you follow or are interested in. Expose yourself to things that get you thinking about your practice and reflecting on yourself. Hunt down wisdom, seek it in strange places. It'll be there to spin those mental wheels.

Take a little time, once or twice a week, to maintain your altar if you keep one. Don't just leave it collecting dust in the corner. Check up on it. Observe the layout and update or re-organise it if it feels like it needs a change. Take some items off and put them away if they don't suit the season (or feel). Take out old offerings and specifically mindfully clean their resting places. Gather and tribute fresh offerings. Sit and be consciously thankful. Or just recognize the already-present influences of your guides and Gods. Dust and clean/silver your crystals and tools. Make their maintenance a ritual of its own. Clea and shine and replace with purpose.

In essence, and long story short, instead of looking for ways to do magic and escape the mundane, bring the lessons behind magic into the mundane and make that magical too. Practice being mindful of your activities. Make them purposeful and reflective.

Heck just sit a while and reflect on all the near-miss events and mishaps of the week. All the little lucky bits that remind you how they could have been worse. And consider how it might be hints and signs of the entities watching over you. Things to be thankful for and grateful towards.
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