Love spell for faithful

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Love spell for faithful
Post # 1
My husband constantly cheats on me but supposedly wants to be with me still. I need help to find a spell or something to help me keep him loyal and faithful and stop cheating on me. Something that would make him turn away from other women for me. Help? Please
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Re: Love spell for faithful
Post # 2
Before turning to magic for this, , I'd recommend trying to figure out if there's something wrong with your relationship that's encouraging him to find satisfaction elsewhere. A spell won't solve the underlying issue.
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Re: Love spell for faithful
Post # 3

You deserve better, dump his butt, divorce him even. I wouldn't waste my time. Though it's your life so do what you want I guess. Magic works with what's already there. Meaning if he already doesn't feel remorse for what he has done there would be nothing to build upon. Magic needs something there to manifest. Thatis the reason why I see people who claim to have grown wings or physically transform into an animal I highly doubt it. Magic is natural and humans have never had the ability to do those things. There need to be two things for a spell to manifest. One is a solid foundation on which the spell can be relied on. Two is the ability for it to be possible. If I did a spell for money to pay rent and have no job where would my income come from? There would be no level of possibility for the spell to manifest if there was nothing to latch onto in the first place.For this instance, I need income before I can pay rent. I hope your life gets better and your husband stops cheating on you. In my opinion, your sense of love needs better attention than focusing on him. Brighter Blessings.

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Re: Love spell for faithful
Post # 4
Well I’ve got an idea,

First you’re gonna have to start with a
• red candle in a jar
• food(something sweet like pie*)
• sex (at least for a whole week you’re going to have to wring him dry.)
• also were you guys first met where you had you’re date with him (walk down memory lane*)

So you’re first going to make food(prepare the pie it can be whatever pie apple pie, blue berry, etc)then you’re going to have to take him down to where you guys first met go for a walk down that path or at a diner that you guys had you’re first date with him,

then after that talk about all the stuff that you guys used or how fun it was and that you want to rekindle that memory to do(positive things*)and when he is drunk from the wine and whatever take him home light the red candle leave it

on the night stand next to the bed and have sex with him you will have to do this for a week whenever you can make time for it, make it fun and romantic as possible,(foreplay doesn’t hurt either)and by the time you guys are done doing it and he’s hungry bring out the pie tell him that you made it.(preparations is a must or this spell will flop*)

if you notice that he is just still the same after a week or the jar with red candle suddenly cracks for no apparent reason the universe is telling you to leave him for a good reason.

Hope this helps I wish you all the best.

From: Sabrina101
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Re: Love spell for faithful
By: / Novice
Post # 5

It'd have to be more of a curse work if you as me.

I would go with the following -

1. curse of loneliness - so nobody finds him attractive nor socially or sexually

2. flaccid penis curse aka binding his member

look up for such spells.

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Re: Love spell for faithful
Post # 6
Okay. Here's the problem with cursing someone like that. Unless he's told that he's being cursed because of his infidelity, he's probably going to be confused when no one wants to be around him and think there's something medically wrong with him if he ends up with erectile disfunction. That assumes that the curses work in the first place. He's not going to say to himself, "Wow. All this stuff that's happening must be because I cheated on my wife. I'd better stop."

Sometimes magic isn't the solution, and this is one of those times. If he's cheating there must be a reason, and as I've said before, magic isn't going to solve the underlying issue that's resulting in the cheating behavior.

Curses may punish him, but he won't understand what's going on. I also can't imagine cursing someone you're in a relationship with is the best idea, but I don't have experience with such things either. He might realize on some subconscious level that you're sending negative energy his way, and that could ultimately make things worse. It may be possible to bind him, but there's always a chance that it could backfire at some point as well.

Instead of wasting energy trying to force him to be faithful and trying to punish him when he isn't, try actually working on the relationship. It takes both people to make things work. If he's not willing, then the best thing to do is move on even though that might be painful. If you're both willing to make things work, then you can find or design spells to focus energy toward that goal instead of trying to force him to do what you want.
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