Circle of Summoning q...

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Circle of Summoning q...
Post # 1
Hello There,

When it comes to the Spiteful Demon of Torment spell, I want to know which symbols and seals to use for the circle of summoning... Does that depend on which demon that I decide to summon? Also, is there a way to keep it locked away inside something until the time comes to give the object to the person it's intended for? I've studied and researched dark arts magick, but I have not practiced, as I know of the recoils it can cause and I knew once the time comes, that I must ensure I do EVERYTHING properly and only use it for extreme measures and causes. Not everything is black and white, hence gray magick. Lol. Anyways, if someone of expertise could help me out on this, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks!
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Re: Circle of Summoning q...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Hi Bella, Please remember that typing words all in capital letters is against site rules. Instead of using capital letters you can bold the words for emphasis instead.

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Re: Circle of Summoning q...
Post # 3
I can't find any spell on this site called "Spiteful Demon of Torment spell" or anything similar to that, but which sigils you use will depend on what your attempting to summon. Could you elaborate what you mean by this "Also, is there a way to keep it locked away inside something until the time comes to give the object to the person it's intended for" are you talking about making a spirit trap?
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Re: Circle of Summoning q...
By: / Novice
Post # 4
First off, could you provide the link to the spell? [just want to read over it and it's easier to link the spell since the site search can sometimes be tricky to navigate]

If you're summoning a demon, you need to use that demon's specific seal. You could create a protection or binding spell to use along with their seal, but the demon's seal is required to contact them. Sealing a demon in an object can be difficult since they don't want to be trapped. Placing a demon's seal on an object is more of a way to bless the object with the demon's power. If you drew the seal on some paper, it wouldn't be activated until you destroy the paper [usually by burning] this releases the energy and activates the spell. You could create an item, place the seal on the item [say you make someone a necklace and paint the symbol on one of the beads, or sew them a doll and stuff it with the seal and other baneful herbs] and while you're constructing the spell, include a line that states it won't be activated until you hand the item over to another. Basically telling it while in your possession, it's dormant. You can also communicate with a demon, explain the situation and why you require from them in exchange for a certain payment. Said payment would be determined by the demon [blood, raw meat, personal service such as performing a task in their honour] that way you're working with the demon and creating a contract so the demon is aware when to strike and when to wait.

Regarding your comment on perfection, you're putting too much pressure on yourself. Yes, I know the feeling and I can relate to the fear of messing up because you didn't think something through, but this doubt/fear can negatively affect the spell when you cast it. You can spend 15 minutes before a spell brainstorming all the ways it could go right and wrong and determine you're okay with the potential outcomes, only to discover something you hadn't planned for. This is life. This is why you need protections. "Black magick" or "the dark arts" or whatever you choose to call it, is still just magick. Those who work baneful magick aren't attacked because they understand how to work with these energies. You cleanse yourself and your space regularly, and you keep your protections strong. I've cast a number of baneful spells with no negative repercussions. If you're working with demons, you need to understand how they behave. Some are rather friendly and willing to help you, provided to act appropriately [like if you work with a member of the Goetia and don't treat them with respect, they'll turn on you. Stollas is one of the "beginner-friendly" members of the Goetia. He's happy to help you study, but he's still a prince and will turn if you don't treat him like a member of the royal family] Research the demon because some won't like a nervous/unconfident person and will feel insulted. If you still don't feel confident enough to practice "the dark arts" focus inward and discover why. This is where shadow work would help. Keep asking yourself why and figure out ways you can improve your confidence. Good luck to you ^_^
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Re: Circle of Summoning q...
Post # 5
You would need the influences of Saturn for its the great malefic planet of binding and baneful magick.

What I would've done is create the 1st pentacle of Saturn to bind the spirit to a specific item or you can use the 6th pentacle of Saturn to bring someone's "inner" demons to surface.

Remember the Universal Law of Polarity, even though Saturn is the most negative planet out of all the other planets and can override them, Saturn can also be used as protection and banishing.
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Re: Circle of Summoning q...
Post # 6
Dealing with illuminati and hexes how do you get them away from you!
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Re: Circle of Summoning q...
Post # 7
That's a different topic to discuss. Feel free to mail me about it.
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Re: Circle of Summoning q...
Post # 8
Studying and Researching is only part of the equation. Further, it does raise some questions when you say you have 'studied' and 'researched,' but not only have issues with identifying the correct Seals to use in such a Summoning, but have also decided to do Summoning at all without any Groundwork, as your first Spell.

Nearly every Source I have read, and I have read many, suggest Summoning as one of the last things you need to Practice in Witchcraft. They also stress that it can highly Dangerous if carried out inaccurately. Therefore, Summoning is largely advised against for Beginners to just jump into the Waters of Spellcasting with.

Properly, you will want to begin with Grounding, Defense/Warding, and Divination. These will build the proper Foundations upon which to begin to approach Summoning later on. Summoning is constantly mentioned on these Forums by Newbies, and it is the absolute last thing a Newbie who has never Cast a Spell should be trying.

I know a large part of the appeal is that it's 'Flashy,' and 'Cool,' and all the things Hollywood tells you it is. It's also very, very Dangerous. Further, if Hollywood is serving as your Inspiration to Practice Magick, you should probably step back and reconsider why you want to begin Learning Magick in the first place. It is a Disciplined and Dedicated Art, not a game.

I also know many Newbies don't like hearing this. They don't want to bother with the 'boring' aspects of Grounding, Defense/Warding, and Divination. They want something they can see a Big Splash from. But Summoning is not the Big Splash Hollywood indicates to you it is. Spirits are often reluctant to appear before people in general, and in a visible form moreso. You have to Learn to have the Discernment to Hear the Spirit's Voice, to Understand its Intentions. Much of my Contact with Spirits has been through nothing Visible; much Clairaudience and much Intuition and Discernment. Beginning with Grounding, Defense/Warding, and Divination will help you with all these elements.

Hope this is of some help.
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