Future Life/Love

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Future Life/Love
Post # 1

[TW Fertility Issues]

Hi, again, it's me. I still need help with love spells because I don't think I'm doing enough for waht I want.

SO, basically, I may have fertility issues, and I want to get married before I'm 20, between that and cultural raising. I mean, I'd settle for a fling, but what I really want is a husband who'd actually love me -- not just someone who'd use me -- and I don't know how to try to manifest that.

But, the problem is, that would interfere with his free will. I don't even have anyone in mind at the moment, but if I find someone, I can't just manipulate him into marrying me.

So -- this is my question -- is there any way I can try to find love/get married within four or so years?

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Re: Future Life/Love
Post # 2

And, by the way, please don't say "just wait it out and marry old" or anything. That's not going to ehlp me. For all I know my next period could be my last. And I have a (currently benign)ovarian cyst that could turn into something bigger. (Happened to my mom and she lost an ovary). I know you mean well. But, for me, that's not going to discourage me.

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Re: Future Life/Love
Post # 3
Hello again!

I unfortunately don't know of any good love spells, but here are some reasons why your spells aren't working. I don't know how much of this you know already, so I'll just put it all here and you can take what you need and leave the rest.

I've read that constantly focusing on a problem after casting a spell for it can actually interfere with the spell, especially when the caster worries about it not working. When this happens, the caster may end up sabotaging themselves and manifesting what they don't want instead of what they do want or sometimes even unconsciously cancelling the spell altogether. That's one possible reason why your spells for this particular situation are failing. While it's not easy to let things go after casting a spell for a situation in which you may feel a lot of anxiety such as this one, it's sometimes best to set it and forget it, as it were. Easier said than done, I know.

Another possible thing that might be going wrong is constantly casting the same spell or many spells in a short time. Constantly throwing energy at a problem isn't always going to be the best thing to do. As annoying as it is to hear, spells can and often do take time. The spells you've cast may be working, but working very slowly. Multiple spells for the same problem might even cancel each other out, but I'm not 100% sure on that.

I've observed that you look for spells instead of designing your own (I'm not stalking you, I promise). Sometimes the best spells are the ones you design yourself. Spells that others have written can be useful, but keep in mind that those spells were designed using another person's symbols, intentions, etc. They may or may not apply to your specific situation, and they certainly weren't tailor made for you. There's nothing quite like a spell that you've designed from scratch for a specific purpose. Don't be discouraged if you don't have any fancy components. Even the most ordinary of items can be used in a spell. Think about how enslaved or oppressed peoples had to work with what they had available. It's possible to do with some creative thinking. If nothing else, it's entirely possible to use magic with absolutely nothing but your own energy, imagination, and willpower. Candles and all that aren't always strictly necessary.

Lastly, and I know this is not what you want to hear at all, magic won't solve everything. Sometimes a situation won't change no matter how much magic you throw at it, especially if your environment stays the same. It may take leaving home so you can get away from your mother after you turn 18 for things to start looking up. It may take relocating to another city or state. It might just take interacting with different people. That's not meant to discourage you from trying to solve this problem with magic, but it's an unfortunate fact that everyone has to face at some point. Sometimes it's just an uphill battle that you can't win through magical means.

In any case, I hope you find what and who you're looking for. I empathize with you and wish I could be of more help.
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Re: Future Life/Love
Post # 4

Thank you!

1) I do make my own spells (the two I've written + my alternate account). But I do fear that I am not experienced. SO I look for others' guides and frameworks. I'll try doing more of my own stuff.

2) I will try not casting too many spells and let it do its work.

3) I will talk to mom about a Drs Appointment... a non magickal cure to a non magickal problem?

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