Effects of Love Spells

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Effects of Love Spells
Post # 1

Hi! What are the possible effects casting a love spell may have on me? Like what are the consequences?

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Re: Effects of Love Spells
Post # 2

For one, if it backfires it could possibly lead to an obsession for the intended target, which feeds back on itself further if you continue the efforts in the same direction. I've seen it happen with someone whose unrequited desires for someone else led to them refusing to leave a job which was a poor fit, and over-all their entire world became consumed with thoughts about their intended target, their every decision revolved around what the other may have thought about them for it.

Granted, that's not the only possibility and is on more of the extreme end of things.

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Re: Effects of Love Spells
Post # 3

Thanks! COult it potentially lead to someone developing far more of an obsession than I bargained for? I'm pretty unexperienced.

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Re: Effects of Love Spells
Post # 4

I possibly might.

Someone else I encountered once described an unintended outcome with a romantic binding (as in binding together, opposed to binding someone away from oneself in terms of impeding action). The relationship turned out to be anything but what they intended, and the couple had a bad split.

But they couldn't get away from each other. They ran into each other in public all the time, even going out of their way to places in different areas, shopping in different towns, starting to use different stores. It deepened the bitterness between them, and caused them both great emotional distress.

Similarly, if the other becomes too obsessed, or has issues with things like jealousy, fear of rejection, or even fear of commitment paired with insecurity of loneliness, it could likewise result in problematic issues.

It could also work as intended, and you could be one of the few who meet as teenagers and stand the test of time. I have no way to tell you which will be, but I can ask you to tread carefully, think deeply. You're (presumably) both young, and you have a lot of developing to do as people. You may grow closer or apart. Time will tell.

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Re: Effects of Love Spells
Post # 5

Thank you. I don't have a specific person in mind (yet). This is very good to know.

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