Reiki and Tarot

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Reiki and Tarot
Post # 1
I am a practicing reiki healer and tarot reader. I am hoping for some people who may be interested in three card readings (I do cartomancy readings with playing cards for spiritual insight in life situations) or who are interested in reiki healing for positive energy.

If you want both a reiki healing and card reading, I can do them both for $15. Donations and feedback are welcome.

If anyone is interested in tarot cards please comment to this post and include your question. If anyone is interested in reiki please say what you need healing with and I will send some healing your way. Thank you and blessings to you all.

If you just want a general reading I can just pull a card for you. Please send donations to

This is the PayPal link for donations on the Witch's Circle site which is a website that me and a friend created to teach Wicca and spirituality. All donations and money go to the site for wiccan learning and some to mental health resources.

For anyone who is interested in joining the Witch's Circle (the Wicca lessons are free), please visit the link:

Thank you all for your time and love and light!
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