Electic Basics

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Re: Electic Basics
Post # 21
A Final Note

At the start of this post I talked about the terminology of the craft and the differences between certain aspects of the craft (magic and spells for example), you have now learn't the basics of that language, while I could have given a definition for each one. Explaining it in a more fluid and dynamic format I felt would be a much more engaging deliverance to you all. I don't feel you can explain the basics of magick to someone by using definitions alone, they all need bringing together and represented through examples to help aid in understanding what they mean. Remember to be safe and sensible that's they way I like to keep it! I will be looking forward to doing more posts focusing on the more detailed aspects of the basics of starting out. I feel this might be useful for those I have seen asking questions who want to get a grasp of what it means to follow the Wiccan path. In all the years that I have be doing this it is only through having these basics concepts instilled that has enabled me to progress in my magical workings.

But as a final word of advice I would always say to work from a place of love, it's the thought behind our thoughts through which we decide anything. And not even in your magical workings either, but in all aspects of life. Love is one of the greatest forces this universe knows and the more you come from that space, the more you will experience its effects in your life as well as the others it touches.

Be the person that you want to see in the world, as the person you see is the person who is becoming that idea. Be strong and represent yourself with courage, be disciplined and with supplication to your craft, have the will to acheive better each day, even if in little ways. B humble and respectful to others andways be aware of the three fold law before engaging in any spell work.

This is a science in its own kind that deserves respect in its own right, If you keep these things in mind you will not go wrong in your magickal path.

I thankyou for your time reading this x

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Re: Electic Basics
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 22
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