HoTM: Poinsettia

CovenNatural Magick ► HoTM: Poinsettia
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HoTM: Poinsettia
Post # 1

March's Herb of The Month is Poinsettia!

Do you use this in your practice and if so how? Did you notice them being used festively during Christmas time where you are? Do you prefer the green or red leaves? Were you aware it's actually a plant and not a flower? On a list of poisionous plants, where does this one rank for you? Have you seen how big they can get? Is there any personal ways you use this herb that differs from conventional means?

Re: HoTM: Poinsettia
Post # 2

I own a poinsettia plant and it's getting decently big now. I really do need to move it to a bigger pot when I have the monies to get the bigger pot. I have noticed them being used around Christmas time here both fake and real ones used as decorating at some of our local malls and shops. I got curious and Googled why? Poinsettia's are also called, "Christmas Star" they are a Mexican Christian tradition. Keeping in mind I live in Arizona which is right next to Mexico.

I prefer the red leaves. The green leaves turn red which is really cool to see the green leaves with red splotches. I myself used to think it was a flower until I owned one myself because it does kinda look like one. When it comes to poisinous plants these and Oleanders are by far my favorite! It's a close toss up and I can't really pick which I like more. I googled to see how big they get and dude they are like trees!

Not like full grown trees but like those skinny teenage looking trees. Not like a sappling but not like a full grown tree. Aww, heck! I'll just link a picture to show you what I mean. As for how I use this herb I do use is as an offering because it's red and I tend to be a firm believer in Enyalius liking red. I use it in a simular fashion as war water. So you know how war water can be used for curses or protection? Yeah like that! I crush up some dried ones when replacing the offerings and blow them outside on my balcony. I tend to think Ares want to keep his daughter safe and also...HISSSSS POISION!!! The idea works for me.

I'd also use them for cursing too. Red can symbolize anger as much as it can passion or love. Ever heard the expression, "I hate you with a burning passion!" Yeah that. I think every word of that statement describes it oh so perfectly. When making war water I don't see why you can't crush up some dried leaves and dump it outside an enemies home, car, or office. Like obviously no tresspassing or illegal shit! Afterall, I'm only dumping out water with some poupree right? <3 Also, when you prune the poinsettia you will notice some white sap. Why not add a little sap to some paint to write a curse on? You can also make ink from most flowers or herbs too. I had a cool website that shows you how which I will link if I can find it.


Re: HoTM: Poinsettia
Post # 3

There was a nail on my stair case a while back. It looks rusty and to be the work of what I assume to be my former apartment manager who I pissed off pretty royally. I intend to have my poinsettia absorb the toxic energy then pull it out and throw it away. The sad part being though it was pretty clearly intended for us, she's either too weak or too stupid to have even effected us.

I am extremely confident with the shielding barriers my wife puts around our home. That and I wear my necklace blessed by Enyalius for protection which does it's job beautifully. But hey, I figure if it's having any weak effect or holding us back at all things will go even smoother with it gone. Fuck with me and I shall fuck you too~~

Kidding, she isn't actually worth my time. I feel this is why people so terrified of being cursed or hexed should chill. Do you know the work, effort, energy, and materials wasted in doing so? Pretty arrogant if you think your worth my hard earned dollars let alone time I could use playing video games or shit lol.

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