A Spell Regarding Gender

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A Spell Regarding Gender
By: / Novice
Post # 1
Recently I was asked by a trans friend of mine to see if I could help her transition magically. I know that magically I cannot change her body, but since I believe in feminine and masculine energy, I've put serious thought into this. Because I've thought on this and I don't know entirely how to do it, I decided to ask the community. Is there anything in particular that someone could do, on top of taking hormones, to increase feminine energy?

Thank you for your time,

Re: A Spell Regarding Gender
Post # 2

Here's an idea: You could invoke a feminine goddess such as Freyja or Aphrodite. Pray for a smooth transition and offer them something in return.

Alternatively, you could help her along her transition by lighting a red or pink candle. Maybe both. Those are feminine colors and you'd be able to put your intent into it. Good luck

Re: A Spell Regarding Gender
Post # 3
You have a quote of Socrates in your profile.
I think the way to go is her doing a daily affirmation, perhaps you can aid with this.

Re: A Spell Regarding Gender
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Thanks, all.

Re: A Spell Regarding Gender
Post # 5
you can cast a spell or make a mojo bag to give them that will help a smooth transition and/or help them feel more comfortable with themselves as it happens. incorporate the planet of masculinity or feminity ( mars / venus), crystals associated with feminine/masc power, as well as herbs. do a little research on those things and you can put together something nice to help them.

Re: A Spell Regarding Gender
By: / Beginner
Post # 6
The previous comments are good suggestions!

If your friend wants to embrace the other part of her. My advice to her will be: Just try not to be somebody you can't! (There is nothing wrong in idolizing people in your pursuit to change, just know that if you want to reach a near perfect transition, never lose yourself!)

It is just awkward and sometimes it is really unpleasant to see a splitting image of another person. (Attitude included) People are more okay to look at if they have their own uniqueness showing. [Not that my opinion matters.]

Goodluck to your friend!

Re: A Spell Regarding Gender
Post # 7
If I remember properly there is an old Norse spell used by priests invoking Loki who was gender fluid but I don't know the contents

Re: A Spell Regarding Gender
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Well of course you cannot physically transform, but you could do 'feminine' activities [sewing, cooking, cleaning, even a spa day I suppose] of course there's always the full moon, that's always had strong female energies, your friend could meditate under the moon [or dance, drum circle, whatever]

Magickally you could try luck or wealth spells [perhaps even healing spells] to help your friend should they have a goal to fully transition achieve said goal.

The thing with gender is what society labels 'masculine' and 'feminine' is so blurred now, just do things you'd both enjoy [shopping, chick flick, listening to 'girls just want to have fun'.] I would reflect on the divine feminine and make a list of things you feel is female energies.

Re: A Spell Regarding Gender
Post # 9
I agree with her
,to collect feminnine energy,
First, at full moon look at the moon ,then ask to female deaties associates with moon, connect with moonenergy or maybe if you luck connect with multi colour halo light in full moon ( if you lucky)
Pray to the female deity ,say what you want ,meditate ,draw the femine energy towards yourself ,its like cosmic energy but female form

After that do make up under the moon light ,by yourself
( include all apparence,hair) and in this process don't talk ,focus on chanting in heart ,.or visualizing I'm beauty,having moonlight inside yourself,actually it would be good if naked,but yeah you know what I mean

Second part,use kundalini feminine spin ,use feminine merkaba ,or every feminine aspect of body energy magix ,yeah this energy gain from tapas or meditation ,

Third,power of mind ,don't underestimate yourself mind ,you should believe yourself ,like law of attraction ,always think you can archive female form,

Re: A Spell Regarding Gender
Post # 10
As has been said many times earlier in this post. You cannot change your physical form with magic. If someone believes they are not the gender they should be, that person should talk to a doctor who specializes in transgender surgery.

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