Summoning Explanation

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Summoning Explanation
By: / Novice
Post # 1
So one thing I have noticed that happens frequently enough around the site is the disdain or shying away from the word summoning. I know many don't have high opinions of what they believe to be summoning, instead choosing to correct those asking about the topic on how rude or disrespectful it is.

I'd like to expand upon the act of summoning so that perhaps people who don't practice this technique of magick can get a better understanding from an Occult/Magician perspective on the matter.

There are many different methods of summoning, none of which at considered the "right" way to do it. Generally speaking the magician does a lot of preparation of the sacred space or "temple" which the spirit or entity will be invited in to and the offerings that they give. Yep, I said invited. Many have the misconception that summoning is the forcing of entities for servitude, which in some cases they are correct. However, as I said generally summoning is the act of preparing the temple or space for which you call upon the spirit or being with the invitation to enter the space, usually as equals and not through force or demands.

In dealings with some spirits or demonic entities, magicians will sometimes also draft up physical contracts that explain all the needs and expectations along with the offerings in return to which the being will accept, deny or wont show all together. Magicians generally like to enter an exchange as equals with the spirit which I could see how some could find that shocking or disrespectful, however it's done in the way as if you are two adults having a business or serious conversation.

In Occult circles there is the idea that not all spirits are equal and as such, not all should be treated the same which is where some of the demanding of servitude can come in. That may be a hard concept for many Pagans or New Agers to grasp, but it is what it is. There are "lesser" beings who would be treated differently than a godform, angel, demon, etc. However as I said before, most exchanges come on the foundation of equals and mutual respect. It is up to the individual how they choose to deal with various spirits and if the spirits in particular don't like it, they'll deal with it themselves or just not show. It really varies depending on the school of thought, but many do not like the mindset that humans are below or belittled by spirits, but rather equal. That's not to say that humans are better than or have the same magnitude of power, but it all stems from respect.

I hope that explains a little more about summoning to those who may have been unclear of the process or possibly a misunderstanding of how the summoning is approached.
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Re: Summoning Explanation
Post # 2
To the above, all I can say is agreed.

Will also add that not all spirits are even remotely on par in terms of power, within the temple, all are to be considered as equals, since it is essentially business being conducted. You wouldn't put down a janitor in an office when discussing their job or their pay, after all, and who knows how "big" that janitor may end up being, in your firm or in another.

Not all relationships with spirits are professional, though it is advised one keep a result-oriented view. My relationships with spirits are friendly, almost familial at some times, and distant, professional on others, and on some occasions, entirely enemy-like. I have knonw individuals with marriages with spirits, and other such matters, so I know it's not supposed to be all-business, but at the very least one should consider before entering the operation what exactly it is they want.

Experiences, and approaches, vary person by person all the time. I began working with King Paimon when I was a kid, and some of the things I've experienced with him have drastically differed from what others have gotten. For example, he insisted on being respected by being called by his proper title, as king Paimon, to several of my associates, whereas he never made this demand of me, as I was really just not into the whole titles and positions of power as a kid. This is just one example, and following through with this example, he matches in appearance, tone, results, to the UPG of others, with my UPG being applicable to others, so we know it was the same deity we were communicating with.

There is more disparity there, but entering with an unfiltered mind helps grasp a truer form of the entity. A trouble with most of the Lesser KEy of Solomon is obviously the religious approach, and that it puts a filter, which mingles the real entity with the magician's own fears and insecurities, to create a much less cooperative aspect of the entity. Most people that I know who do Solomonic magic have to work hard for what they want, in getting the spirit to cooperate and when it does, it's always a tug-of-war, where seeing the spirit as beneath yourself, gets you to lose the thing you asked for, possibly more at times.

In contrast, the demonolatry approach of downright worshiping, not just serving, the demons and seeing them as the pinnacle of all power which nothing can match, as ageless, timeless, all-mighty entities also disempowers the individual, who instead of working with the entities as partners towards personal ascent, find themselves being delivered somewhat good results, but also asked to give up more.

While the demons example is one that I have chosen because it is one with readily available results, I do believe in a balance between respect and authority within the operator, and treating the entity as a partner first and foremost, rather than as a servant or a master. Some may agree, some may disagree, this is my personal experience and opinion, accept it, ponder it, or dismiss it, whatever suits you.

As for how close we are to entities and how "friendly" they can be to us. I've had experiences that range from sharing beds with spirits, to them not wanting to talk to me until I "grow up" so to say. I think it depends from magician to magician, and on power levels. I know that when I was stronger(more aware of my power, for the nitpickers), some entities which were distant and aloof, became close friends, so it's best not to take it too personally. SOmetimes, they're also just distant until you get to know them better, like it would be for an ordinary person, so if it's impersonal, it's best not to take it too hard. Just keep the spirit's advice in mind, follow through with your end of the deal, and keep an eye out for the results.

Again, read my profile, read the disclaimer, nothing I say is meant to be taken as gospel, truth, or seriously. Never even remotely take me seriously. Not some enlightened guru, just a student like everyone else.
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Re: Summoning Explanation
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Thanks for the comment Zelotar. You touched more on some good stuff that I didn't go into. I also like your use of examples.
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Re: Summoning Explanation
Post # 4
Thank you very much!

The King Paimon example of him not insisting that I call him King Paimon actually stretches beyond simple labels. WHen I approached him, I didn't even think of him in terms of a demonic king. At the time, I wasn't in my best state, and I felt like I deserved to call the shots, and such.

We are still very good friends, he has done a lot for me and vice versa, so it isn't a matter of me being too impolite for someone like him. Just that different people, taking different approaches come out with different experiences.

Another prominent example is Hecate, who has worn an entirely different face, from one experience to another, and even walking me through her history, so that while I unlocked those sides of myself, I also saw them in her(example, rediscovering my connections to the Netjer and her suddenly appearing under the mask she wore in Egypt, of the goddess of fertility Heqet)

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Re: Summoning Explanation
Post # 5
Summoning also pardon my intrusion.Is not a play time either. Some jokingly invite an entity into their lives and then winder why that entity is so mad after. Well gee buddy you asked them to come then made jokes. Probably even insulted the entity and didn't even know he was there because? You dont know what you are doing. Respect is vital to a good impression. Without it. Well you better be prepares for the consequences.
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Re: Summoning Explanation
By: / Novice
Post # 6
No of course not. Honestly people who treat it as a joke probably have no clue what they're doing or how the process of a real summoning works. Odds are they'll see little to no results. Summoning definitely is not something beginners with no idea of concepts surrounding the practice can just pick up and try out with much success. Also no intrusion at all, it's a public forum after all.
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