ToTM: Holidays!

CovenNatural Magick ► ToTM: Holidays!
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ToTM: Holidays!
Post # 1

November's topic of the month is, Holidays!

Which ones do you celebrate? How long have you been celebrating them? Were you born into these customs or did you develope them? What kind of activities do you usually do for each one? What sort of food do you eat? Do you celebrate with family or a group of close friends? What is your favorite holiday of the year? No cheating! You can only pick ONE! Do you dress a particular way or go to a specific place? Come gab and let the rest of us know how you partay! <3

Re: ToTM: Holidays!
Post # 2

Okay for me my favorite holiday is Christmas. I'm not Christian but like many of you my family was so that is how I was brought up. Lutheran to be specific. I keep the name Christmas as a matter of nostalgia and it being the only holiday I really know. For me it is cuddling up with my husband when it's cold. Exchanging presents and savagly tearing off the wrapping. I love ornament painting and decorating the tree! In my family it is customary for the youngest to pick out the tree topper. For my tree at home we keep this tradition as I am seven years younger than my spouse I pick! So I decide if we put on a star or an angel at the top. I love astrology and astronomy buuut...I also love pretty girls so star or angel is a tough choice!

We don't bother wrapping presents at home since we buy ours together so we already know what it is. But on Christmas Eve we bake cinamon rolls just like my departed mother did every year. That evening we go over to my grandfathers for food and presents. Christmas day back when my other grandfather (my dad's dad) was alive I would go over there. But ever since he died we started going over to Holy's Grandma's house for Christmas. It's nice as his mother and grandmother pick presents best. They do this little thing called, " LISTENING" they remember things brought up in casual conversation and get them. So they actually take the time to get to know me. They know I love make up, soap, perfume, and arts & crafts lol. So last year they got me nail polish and a bronzing set. This year for my birthday they got me a bath set with bubble bath, bath salt, etc. Last year for Christmas they got me vanilla bubble bath as well.

For Halloween I used to trick or treat when I was a child but I was forced to stop when I was thirteen as I was deemed, "too old". Which I think is messed up because I would rather teenagers be trollin' for candy than drugs or getting into worse trouble. But as an adult I usually go to KFC and bring home a bucket of fried chicken with some mac & cheese, mashed potatoes, gravy, and biscuits. Then we binge watch horror movies. This year we made a big change. We went for habachi for lunch. Then later that evening for a long nature walk at two different parks. We didn't start until late so the first one closed so we just went to another one. One has gates that needed to be locked up. The other had this one guy playing basket ball along cursing and screaming which we found a bit amusing. xD

For most holidays, I just go with the comercial name and celebrate it however I want. Whatever feels right. I just form traditions and go from there heh. ^.^

Re: ToTM: Holidays!
By: / Novice
Post # 3
My family is Baptist or Catholic so I celebrated the usual holidays growing up. As a young adult I boycott Xmas till just recently. I want my son to have the cool family gatherings that are Xmas, or giving day. Halloween is always my fav, I started trick or treating with my tott and it's awesome. I'm for any food holiday for sure, and now I'm a sucker for the kid Holidays now. My hubby and I have always avoided them ,then we ran our kid around so actually starting this Turkey day we'll be starting or own new family traditions,in our family home. I really looking forward to the fun we can bring holidays or obscure holidays or for me Northern Tradition holidays ,Alfablot..... Super Bowl is a holiday to the hubby,lol, Cinco de Mayo is a holiday for me. We recently found out my hubby is Irish, he's adopted so it took some investigation,but we always liked to party on St.Pats, so this year I'm going to start doing corned beef and cabbage , and who knows what else. It's looks like my common themes cooking for my loved ones, I don't know why feeding them is soo great, I love. It when they gobble it up with out talking,then I know they loved it..... What a nice thread, great thoughts and much love will be shown here....

Re: ToTM: Holidays!
Post # 4

Like many people, I grew up in a Christian family, so I grew up celebrating Christian holidays. Therefore, I would say my favorite holiday would be Christmas. I don't celebrate it for Christianity though.

I view it as a holiday to spend quality time with family and friends.The whole day is spent with family. It's always had a peaceful feel too. All drama (which on one side of my family, there is a lot of it) is pushed to the side. People have fun. Daily problems are ignored. It's just a good day all around.

We usually get up early in the morning, have a nice breakfast, and then open gifts. Then for lunch we head over to my grandmother's house (mom's side of the family). We eat lunch there and then open presents. It's a bit funny too, almost every year when we eat lunch, the conversations are so predictable. I've kind of made a game out of it. My grandmother makes really good fried chicken too.

After that we usually head over to my uncle's house (dad's side) for dinner and more gift giving. Though, I don't really like my dad's side of the family that much.

So last year I didn't go. Not because of my family but because it's always so loud over there and so hectic, and that's the last thing I need on a long day of driving back and forth places. Plus, I'm usually exhausted by the end of the day and they like to have dinner late (I'm talking 9/10pm). I don't know if I will go this year or not.

All in all it's just a good day and that's why it's my favorite holiday,

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