Casting a circle

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Casting a circle
Post # 1
I was wondering if anyone can tell how to cast a circle or summon a familiar or just basic advice on those 2 things, I don't know how to cast a circle but I've tried and it won't work
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Re: Casting a circle
By: / Novice
Post # 2
well you can cast a circle in a thousand different ways, so find the method that works for you. i'm going to go with a basic element circle.

beginning in the east let the energy flow through you, say something like

'I call upon the element of air, please watch over my circle form your home in the east'

light the candle [if you're using one, you can use rocks, symbols of the elements, sand, shells, and basically anything for a marker. personally i would use candles, but have stopped as i am solitary, so i draw a pentagram in the air] point your finger at the ground [or your athame or your wand] and feel the energy leaving your finger and carving a line in the ground as you walk clockwise to the east candle. raise your hand in the sky and greet the fire element

'I call upon the element of fire, please watch over my circle form your home in the south'

light the candle, point your finger at the ground and continue your line of energy to the west candle, raise your hand:

'I call upon the element of water, please watch over my circle form your home in the south

light candle, finger down, continue on to the north candle point:

'I call upon the element of earth, please watch over my circle from your home in the north.'

light the candle, point down and walk around the circle two more time, visualizing and feeling a circle [more like a bubble] surrounding you. on your final turn around, when you return to the air candle, 'ground' the circle [i usually tap the ground with my athame, you can place your hands on the floor, my covenmate stomps his foot, but that can be a shock for those who aren't expecting a loud thud... especially if they were meditating thank you very much Jasper Fasterwolf]

finally, if you call upon it, walk to your altar and light the spirit candle, the God and Goddess candles, greeting each one individually [i don't use a spirit candle so i usually greet my Goddess, then my God]

when you wish to open your circle, thank each one before snuffing out the candle in the opposite order. thank your God, then your Goddess, then Spirit. walk to the North candle and thank the element

'I give thanks to the element of earth for watching over my circle. may you return safely to your home in the north'

then snuff out the candle [side note: i say snuff for personal reasons, some feel it's disrespectful to blow out the candle, do what works for you] and walk to the west candle, finger pointing down, visualize the energy parting. you could visualize/feel it returning to you, or just disappearing into the air. whatever works for you.

'I give thanks to the element of water for watching over my circle. may you return safely to your home in the west.'

snuff out the candle, walk to the south,

'I give thanks to the element of fire for watching over my circle. may you return safely to your home in the south.'

finally to the east:

'I give thanks to the element of air for watching over my circle. may you return safely to your home in the east.'

you might wish to go around the circle once more without stopping and visualize the circle [bubble] opening. i usually say a final farewell, you can say nothing or make something up 'merry meet, merry part, merry meet again' is a simple one. i know some people who say 'may the circle be open but unbroken, may the peace of the goddess be ever in your hearts. merry meet and merry part and meet again.' again, it's up to you [also i think that's more Wiccan in nature]


now, regarding summoning a familiar familiars are kind of an iffy subject. what most see a familiar as is an animal who shares a spiritual bond with the witch. it's not somehting you can conjure. you could train the pet to sit with your in magickal workings, but you need to understand the pet as well. if your dog is full of energy, you shouldn't force her to sit and meditate. if your cat just loves jumping up on things, don't make him join you in your circle [trust me, i have to put my cat on the balcony or the bathroom or else he's all 'whatcha doin? oh, food on a plate?! don't mind if i do! not bad, just going to take a drink of this water-SHINY THING!' then is all confused when i'm holding him in one hand and waving my arm in the air with the other and march him into the bathroom] if you wish to train your pet you can, but it's rare for an animal to actually know what the circle is and where it is and why they shouldn't cross it [my favourite author has 6 cats and only one would walk around the circle and wait for it to be open. the others had to be locked away for the evening]
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