limit of spells a day

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limit of spells a day
Post # 1
is there a limit to how many spells i can do a day?
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Re: limit of spells a day
By: / Novice
Post # 2

No, there is no limit, you can do as many or as few as you want but do remember that every spell takes energy and if you are using a spell for everything in your life, you may want to re-evaluate.

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Re: limit of spells a day
Post # 3
Your limit would have to be how much energy you can afford to spend.

A five-minute ritual when performed properly can be more draining than running, so see how much it takes out of you, and remember not to target the same goal with different spells, unless they can work in harmony.

I've had experiences of performing 30 different rituals from different systems in a day and the end of it was very unpleasant, so do be cautious.
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Re: limit of spells a day
Post # 4
I agree with Zelo, but even if a simple ritual takes a small fraction of your personal energy, do not expend it for little reason.
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Re: limit of spells a day
By: / Novice
Post # 5
if you have the energy and focus you can do as many spells as you wish.

personally, the most i've cast at one time is 3, it's better to do only one or two in a mooncycle just so you can observe and see which spell is working [unless you've done the spells before, then whatever] just be careful not to burn yourself out.
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