Summoning Death/Death god

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Re: Summoning Death/Death god
Post # 11
Death and was are similar,but nowhere near the same.You could try calling fourth a god such as Lucifer.That is a bit extreame though.(from personal experience)Mayb try Aosoth,Baalberith/ Balberith,Bune,Euronymous/Eurynomous,Hela,Kostchtchie,Mictain,or Samael(angel of death)

Re: Summoning Death/Death god
Post # 12
oops I meant to say *death and war* ^

Re: Summoning Death/Death god
Post # 13

Nergal is the god of death,warfare,plague and pestilence. Isplanetary correspondences is with Mars.

Re: Summoning Death/Death god
By: / Novice
Post # 14
@ Zelotar it's just disrespectful to demand a deities presence. plus many believe you cannot summon a god as they have enough spiritual energy to ignore your summoning and certain ones can be rather peeved you even tried. that's all. if you want to [or you have] fine, personally i advise against it out of respect for the deity in question.

Re: Summoning Death/Death god
Post # 15
Well, to be fair, we are all universes apart. What works for me, may not work for you. Different strokes for different people.

And I've summoned my fair share of spirits. Some were indeed godforms, like Djehuty, Hathor, even to more dangerous things, and entities much stronger than gods. Not only does it differ from deity to deity(as not every deity is on the same level), but the very idea of a deity being a ''god'' means it is powerful enough to be worshiped by men and spirits alike, whether the entity is demonic, elemental, natural, angelic, fairy, or something else altogether.

Personally, I disagree with the notion that it's a black and white deal where you can either summon something forcefully and command it to serve you, or invite something respectfully into your home to help you.

Worshiping anything is a limit, and submission is something I do not encourage by any means.

Likewise, arrogance and inflated egos, senses of self-entitlement and self-importance are an easy way to be a slow, stagnating idiot who gets knocked down by angering the wrong people.

It's a spectrum, and how you choose to work with an entity is entirely in the hands of the operator.

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