TotM: Water

CovenNatural Magick ► TotM: Water
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TotM: Water
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 1

The topic of the month for May is the element of Water .

Here, everyone can post information on Water as an element: what it means to you, craft ideas, magical/spiritual properties, experiences, meditations, and more! Have fun with it!

Re: TotM: Water
Post # 2

Water means many things -- anywhere from purification, immense power and force, calm and tranquility, or even an ever changing and moving and flowing force. It gives life and takes it. It is a duality and an oxymoron. A paradox in itself. I could write a book about it, and I could literally go on, but you get the idea.

Craft ideas include: using water for decoration inside various vessels ( because it can reflect light and it dances! ) or making sure your plants have the right humidity as you place many sources of water around your room. Nice, small, water fountains is a nice water feature to have, and nice psychological effects thereof.

Water can be used alongside ink or other substances combined in a vessel of your choice to be used for scrying. It represents a number of things and has various correspondences with things especially if your goal is to work with water spirits.

Re: TotM: Water
Post # 3
I like to collect and use rain water in my spells but different weather to me has different uses:
light rain= Purifying, meditation, focus and concentration.
Heavy rain= release of anger/ built up emotions and deep cleansing. I will sometimes use heavy rain I've collected to cleanse my tools or room. When I have collected it I like to water my money plant with it as I feel it gives the plant energy.
Snow= divination, love.

I will simply add this to my ingredients if a spell has them or put a little bit of water in my candles (sometimes completely putting them out) or I will wash my hands with the water after the spell. The uses of rain water are endless.

Obviously different types of rain will have different meanings to you but these are mine.

Re: TotM: Water
By: / Novice
Post # 4

Lately, I've been using rain water for cleansing too. Though, I don't much care for the type of rain. If it's a thunder storm, it'd be a very aggressive cleansing, yea?

What it means to me:

Water houses some very awesome spirits, every body of water is their own spirit and is often served by other spirits. I think of rivers that have all sorts of little streams joining it, or lakes where waters are feeding it. I love going to a lake when no one is around, and you just sit still for a moment, little fish love to circle around, maybe nibble at a toe. Tiny messengers.

These spirits are everywhere here. I never lived in a place where a body of water, whether a lake, bayou, or canal, isn't in walking distance. My username, and nick name, even come from the name of a Lake I once lived by.

Re: TotM: Water
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
There is something I like to call Waterfall Meditation. You can do it on an actual waterfall, or your shower. Sit in meditation position get your head under the shower or waterfall, if you are on the shower picture that you are on a waterfall. Feel it falling onto your head, become one with the water. This meditation is good for you can do it easily on your home and it is very simple and very good. You could also add cents or incense for better relaxation or cleansing.

Re: TotM: Water
By: / Novice
Post # 6

I frequently enjoy making crystal infused waters, especially for anointing when I don't want to use oil.

Simply fill a glass full of water, place it upright in a bowl full of water and crystals. leave for 24 hours and allow the properties of the crystals to infuse with the clean water in the glass, then remove the glass.

You now have safe water that you can use without any of the dangers that can come with adding some crystals to water and it contains some of the properties of the crystals.

*Although it is always best to check what will happen to certain crystals in water, even if you don't intent to use the water the crystals were in as some crystals can dissolve.

NB: My favourite water to use is lightning water (collected rainwater from during a lightnight storm) before charging it with fulgurite pieces.

Re: TotM: Water
By: / Novice
Post # 7
I use water to wash away my crappy attitude.. I imagine all the negative and icky being washed with water.. I guess that's what a baptism is cleaning your soul with a bath.....

Re: TotM: Water
By: / Novice
Post # 8


Re: TotM: Water
Post # 9
This brew helps protect your house from evil spirits. This is based of the water element.

Sea Shell
See through Cup
4 small white rocks
Spray Bottle (Optional)

Grab the cup and pour water 4/5 the way full. Fill the cup 1/5 of the way with salt. Put the sea shell in the cup. Put rocks north south east and west around the cup. Leave the cup in the window for 3 days. Once you let that set you can spray or sprinkle it around your doors and windows.

Re: TotM: Water
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 10

Something I find helpful in connecting to water is to meditate on the different forms water takes, and listen while meditating to the different sources of water. Just some examles of ambient noise you can listen to while you meditate or focus.

Running Stream

Ocean Waves



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