Haganda Kenaz

CovenNatural Magick ► Haganda Kenaz
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Haganda Kenaz
By: / Novice
Post # 1

My healing expertise isn't very on par with some of the more naturally inclined. But nonetheless, over the years I've come to adopt this crude practice in which I have used to successfully heal things from sore body parts to nerve damage. I believe (to an extreme degree) that broken bones could be healed faster with this method. I'm only going to share the brief basics of my "Hand Fire", but if you are interested in learned more specific aspects of it, feel free to contact me. WARNING This involves open fire and controlled self-harm. Do not attempt if you are unable to receive medical attention.


Haganda Kenaz - The Fire Palm

  1. I call this crude because it works with the bare essentials, as many shamans like myself may sometimes prefer. You will need only a flame, but if you wish to incorporate herbs/incense you can.
  2. Use the open flame to burn yourself. You need to use the pain to enter a trance.
  3. Once you are entranced, invoke the element of fire, call upon the Etin of Muspelheim and landvaettir to give you energy.
  4. Use your pain to gather up energy in your palms.
  5. Press your hands (make sure they are hot from the fire everytime you do this) onto the affected area.
  6. Now use your energy to probe them for their pain. Feel it being burned away and floating like smoke into the air.
  7. It helps to Galdr runes to strengthen your energy and their body (I like to use Uruz and Sowilo).
  8. You should be feeling the energy rush through you, almost like a flamethrower (as comical as it is).
  9. Finally, Galdr or say your finally words to seal the deal. (ALU) At this point you should imagine all of your energy increasing even larger to make a giant flame in their body and force all the negative energies into the air as dust and smoke.

Afterword: This does take tons of energy. Meaning, if you aren't experienced with working with energy, you should try using herbs to help you along. Also, you have to remember to keep burning your hands (not severely, just enough heat to make you go ouch). And most importantly, stay focused. If you can keep the trance up throughout this, you are perfectly fine. If you can't it's not a problem as long as you can avoid any outside noises or distractions.

As always, I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen if you do or do not do this. But please, enjoy yourself.

Re: Haganda Kenaz
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Hmm.. When you mean the Etin of Muspelheim ,do you mean Surt or maybe even Sinmara..? Or would any of the Eldjötnar , you honored work?

Re: Haganda Kenaz
By: / Novice
Post # 3

I don't work with Jotun, personally, it was more of a suggestion. And yes, any of the Etin-kind that reside in Muspelheim. They embody the true name or meaning of fire and can help you with this, if they so choose. So you may invite them to aid you.

Re: Haganda Kenaz
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4

Interesting! Thanks for this. :)

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