Language learning

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Language learning
Post # 1
How quickly learn foreign languages?
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Re: Language learning
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Rosetta stone is said to be good. Practice helps. I speak 3 languages [planning for a fourth one day] I recommend watching kid shows to pick up certain words and conversations. They're simple sentences and usually have a special word for the day they use a lot, really helps. Then, move up to watching the news or some program. You can learn conversation quite well. It's how I kept my languages because if you don't use it your brain will start deleting stuff.

Magickally I'm not sure. I use to keep a clear quartz crystal and rub it, reading the word/phrase I wanted to remember out loud, and come test time I would rub the crystal and try to visualize my study area, most of the time it came right back to me. But if you're looking for a chant that makes you instantly fluent, no such thing I'm afraid.
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Re: Language learning
Post # 3
This depends on the language that you intend to acquire.
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