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Post # 1
for some reason NONE of the spells I cast ever work I need help
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Re: Help
Post # 2

A number of factors can come into affect to determine if your spells will succeed or not.

  • You do not have the knowledge of spell casting and the aspects that surround it.
  • You haven't learned different techniques (e.x. The Basics) that can help you successfully cast a spell.
  • You lack the ability of patience. Spells won't work in the blink of an eye.
  • You do not have the correct supplies that is needed to cast the desired spell.
  • You didn't follow the instructions.
  • You didn't realize that it worked when it did.

These are perhaps some of the endless possibilities as to why your spells haven't work. One thing I have learned over the years in regards to spell casting is that spells need specific and strong details to get a certain outcome that you desire. Sometimes you get what you want but not always in ways that you anticipated or would like. You can cast a spell to get more money but if you don't say how then a family member could die and you would get the inheritance.

It is important to gain as much knowledge as possible before you begin spell casting but I do understand that this doesn't apply to everyone. I, myself, learn through practice as I actually gain knowledge about a certain topic as it helps me understand it better in the then and now. Having this knowledge will allow you to understand. the means of proper spell casting and will assist you in learning from your mistakes. It will even protect yourself from possible issues that may come as a result.

There are many different techniques that are available for practitioners to assist them to successfully cast a spell. A lot of these techniques and methods are also described in something called The Basics. The Basics is a list of recommendations that originated on this website which can help you cast your spells. You can find different variations of the basics throughout this website.

Spells won't work in the blink of an eye. It takes time for them to actually show effects and you can't expect the result to always occur at a specific time. Understanding patience can be a key to properly learning how to cast a spell. You never want to rush something like it. Would you?

If you find a spell that was written by someone, it is highly recommended that you stick with the appropriate supplies that are listed on there unless you can find substitutes for different ones. Items help bring in extra energy into a spell along to influence it. So basically, it allows it to have more power to it. You wouldn't want to use an herb such as elderflower for banishing or something when it is has healing properties.

With spells, it is important to be sure you follow the instructions. A spell will probably not work if you do not follow the instructions exactly as they say.

A lot of times, a spell might work but we may never notice it. It is kind of like a scenario when we don't anticipate something to happen and it didn't happen in a way we expect. There are people who choose to also move away and forget about the spells they have done for this very reason. In Hoodoo and rootworks, you shouldn't look back at a spell or whatever you did because it can resemble doubt.

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Re: Help
Post # 3
I think your little wrong dylightful, no one is More powerful Than other ,there is no who is weaker or stronger Than the other ,Everyone can become a witch wicca pagan,
The only thing you need is that your spell shall work
Is focus,believe ,strong voice, that is the most important
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Re: Help
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Well first off what spells are you casting? Sorry to be that person, but magick can't do everything you see in the movies. If it's not in human nature [transformation, teleportation, invisibility, levitation, so on] no spell will ever work regardless of belief. Magick [in terms of spell casting] is a natural energy you tap into and focus to bring your desired change [many compare spells to ritualized prayers in a sense.]

Everyone has the potential to cast spells, but there's more to it than believing in magick and reading some words by candlelight. You need focus, if you keep stopping to find your place, or your mind is thinking about what's for dinner or calling a friend, the energy is spread thin and not directed on a clear goal so it will fade out. Also, if you either didn't charge enough energy, any energy, or the correct energy this can effect the spell. The energy in spell casting comes from outside ourselves. If you don't know how to properly ground and charge you could be draining your own energy which can result in making you sick.

Next, say you cast the spell correctly, spells aren't instant. Unless specified you should see some change within the mooncycle. Be sure to keep an open mind. You might cast a money spell in the hopes you'll find 100$ on the street, and keeping your mind fixed on this outcome you ignore your mother offering you an extra 20$ to wash the car. Then, when you don't find that money lying around you blame the spell for not working. Spells set up opportunities, they don't hand you what you asked for.

Practice grounding, charging, and shielding to get a feel for the flow of energy, and read a bit about how spells work, then try a very simple candle spell to make sure you've got the basic form of spell casting down.

Good luck to you.
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