energy polution vs corupt

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energy polution vs corupt
Post # 1
Ok I need help I'm desperately trying to find out about what objects or things (even forces) that are considered to corrupt positive energy. Possibly at least cancel or absorb it. I could really use the help.
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Re: energy polution vs corupt
By: / Novice
Post # 2
um... alright then...

try daily grounding and charging to remove negative energy and charge positive. daily shielding can keep you safe from [and reduce] negative energy acquired from our daily lives. regular cleansings and protections of your home or living space can also help keep out negativity. wearing a protection symbol or crystal can also help.

meditation can aid in keeping your mind clear and your thoughts in good order so you don't spend so much time thinking negatively and charging yourself with it as a result [but if you suffer from depression or something you might consider medical help as well]

in terms of activities or spells theres a few you could try, and easy one is to take a clear quartz crystal, while meditating, think of all the negative things that happened, you said, thought, or did, then visualize them becoming balls of black gunk, leaving your body, and entering the crystal in your hand. when you feel its all inside the crystal, either place the crystal in sea salt water overnight to cleanse these negative things, or leave it in the moonlight for the same effect.

i hope that helped, i'm not sure what you meant by your comment.
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Re: energy polution vs corupt
Post # 3
I think you misunderstand. I want something that does the opposite of grounding I want to neutralize POSITIVE energy possibly change it to negative energy
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Re: energy polution vs corupt
By: / Novice
Post # 4
well unless it's a curse, why would you want to charge yourself with negative energy? you can use grounding to get rid of positive energy too you know. when you ground you visualize/feel the negative energy in your body flowing out and away from you, then you draw in positive energy. you could visualize/feel the positive energy and send it away. i don't recommend dwelling and charging yourself with only negativity though. while we can't be 100% positive 100% of the time, it is better in the long run [mind, body and soul] if you fill your life with positive energies.
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Re: energy polution vs corupt
Post # 5
I'm not actually I'm developing a new form of exorcism but it involves energy conversion both ways (pos to neg and net to pos). Negative to positive there is almost a million ways to do but I can't find any thing for the reverse
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Re: energy polution vs corupt
Post # 6
If that makes sense. I just need some unconventional way of doing things as to create or change energy to have negative energy. I mean there are some things in Japanese culture such as natural corruption over time but I can't wait for that.
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Re: energy polution vs corupt
Post # 7

I think your refering to the other side of the mirror of the Tree of Life. Its not really consider "negative" but aspect of your shadow self in that part of the subconcious.

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Re: energy polution vs corupt
Post # 8
Maybe if I explained what I was attempting to do that would help.
What I'm hoping to accomplish is the creation of something all to rare in this world neutralized energy. Though energy exists both positive and negative in all objects the two rarely mix in fact I only heard of this occurring in the realm of purgatory. Specifically at a place literally between the two halves of the place one for good one for evil. In this space which is extremely small but also the size of a world its quite literally a place for souls who can't be judged. But I digress. In this small yet large space there exists truly neutral energy neither positive nor negative energy. Because it is both types its said to posses the ability to affect both positive and negative preachers equally. Basically if I can create it by forcing the two to mix evenly I can exorcise any thing even angles if I had to. That is why I need this help
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Re: energy polution vs corupt
Post # 9
Creatures not preachers sorry
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