Is it possible to?

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Is it possible to?
Post # 1
Is it possible to overload energy cause sometimes when I do magick my hand feels like its overloading like Im using way too much for such a small thing. I can visualize real well and for some reason my hand just goes overload and I feel immense overloading it cause my arm to shake a bit. For only such as a small thing branding a symbol on a wall.
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Re: Is it possible to?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Try grounding the excess out. It's one reason we do ground.
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Re: Is it possible to?
Post # 3
Such as electricity through your bones? How long have you been feeling your energy?

At first it feels much stronger, it may even be an uncomfortable feeling. It is not an excess of energy or overload, you have to give your body time to get used.

The feeling will become more subtle and you will be able to perceive different energies to yours.

But StarPower is right, ground is a must.
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Re: Is it possible to?
Post # 4
Depends what you mean by energy
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Re: Is it possible to?
Post # 5
Any system can overload under excess
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