How To Serve Which Lwa?

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Re: How To Serve Which Lwa?
By: / Novice
Post # 11
Its nice to have a altar but it differs from House Attibon Legba is served in some houses red and white and most in yellow and purple but no black because Rada Lwas are not served with black black is hotter spirits which do not. Fall under the Rada rite I also often thought of Lwas having numbers but my houngan told me the Lwas have no numbers because the Lwa isnt appart of Santeria Legba is given Vodka,rum peanuts roast potatos and more amongst them but not cherries or any kind of berry but he is given coffee as many Lwas like coffee remember Legba is Rada not Petwo his petwo form is Legba-Nan-Petwo and Legba is often mistaken as Met Kalfou but these two are very very diffrent be very cautious where you get your information from many are apropriations and very few are acual Haitian Vodou I do hope this clarifies some things on Legba
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