i saw ghosts

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Re: i saw ghosts
Post # 4
The ghosts whernt hostile other than leaving a painfull ringing in my ear they didnt do anything and as for how they looked they looked as if someone was shining a bright blue light or white light on a normal person and just the reflection of light ther with no actual body in the middle but the light unless you see it its hard to explain like it was logically impossible to comprehend the taller ghost had a night cap on and a nightgown with flowers on it and the little ghost was wearing a little girl dress ever since the night they havent shown but i havent let the room be in complete darkness since that night and im still way to scared to do so

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Re: i saw ghosts
Post # 5
bright blue light means its a demon
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Re: i saw ghosts
Post # 6
Spirits do not always have to be hostile and a bright blue light does not mean it's a demon spirits of water have been know to apeer in myths with blue light. Have you looked into the families that lived in the house before you did. Magic can sometimes call spirits or more likely you have become more open minded and sensitive since starting allowing you to see them. I'm not saying you didnt summon them just that if they haven't been hostile so far don't worry to much. My friends house is haunted and we do nothing to provoke to spirit. If you can give me more information I be happy to help. Don't try to harm or banish the spirit it has done nothing. We live with spirits wether we can see them or not feel free to messeage me I'll help all I can.
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Re: i saw ghosts
Post # 7
My family has been plagued by ghosts/spirits since long before i was born. Myself i've been able to see them since birth. Most spirits are relatively harmless and won't bother you, as a matter of fact most won't even notice you until they realize you can actually see them. but once they know they may try to communicate with you. If they're evil or if you just want to be rid of them try smudging or aa cleansing then put salt lines in all the windows of your home and they will not be able to get back in. Mind you though you need to keep the salt lines from being broken. Some more malevelant spirits spirits will on occasion try to attack you if your not careful so cleanse your home asap! If your spirit turns out to be a demon then you'll need to banish it or find a spell to trap/bind it to an object so you can bury it and be rid of it. If this turns out to be the case contact me directly in a message and i'll send you spell i wasre recently given by my wifes Aunt who has been casting spells since before alot of us have been around. So you know you're not the only one, I lived in a house that was inhabited by 6 different spirits t once when i was younger nd they all were evil. The only reson we managed to get out of that place in one piece is because there were 3 of us working together to bind the spirits to certain areas of the house so that we had enough time to move out. Well Good Luck and I wish you well with your spirit/ghost banishing!
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Re: i saw ghosts
Post # 8
Entities can be reasoned with even if they aren't nessisarily friendly. However, I wouldn't discount the fact that you may have been hallucinating due to insomnia.
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Re: i saw ghosts
By: / Novice
Post # 9
In my opinion, you scared yourself. Learning about magick and becoming more aware can make the mind play tricks, imagination run wild, and suddenly every shadow and odd light is a ghost! Calm yourself. If it is only something you see, be amazed. If you want it to go, tell it too, politely. But I truly believe in that since you are just starting out, you probably imagined or dreamt it, thinking you were awake. Many go through this period. Try to let it not scare you, as rarely do any bother you. Use a night light and get some sleep. And keep learning, as explanation might be something you will find as you learn. Blessings!
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Re: i saw ghosts
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 10
wickedvoice, you didn't see ghosts; you had a nightmare! You are not the only one to awaken screaming after a nightmare. I agree with the above post; calm yourself!
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Re: i saw ghosts
Post # 11
This is amazing, how people can be experts on everything and give free advice and opinion on what to do, more amazingly how people know so much about unseen dimensional entities.

Is this called bravery or it has some other name???But I would be very careful before I recommend anything about any spiritual unseen, dimensional matters and questions. One should be fully experienced and knowledge about spirits, demons and dimensional life to provide opinion to others. There are very valuable sources out there can be read and learn from, such as Malachi Martin's book " Hostage To The Devil" I strongly believe this matters are not a joke you can play with or just wave your opinion around. All these opinions seems to me single man talking about hardship of marriage.
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Re: i saw ghosts
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 12
Anybody may believe anything they want to believe. But a belief does not make it true! My opinions are based on a long life, long experience, the reading of thousands of books on a wide variety of subjects, and a long study of witchcraft and The Occult. The original post sounds like a nightmare; and that is probably what it was. It is far too easy to think that everything that happens in life is due to demons,goblins, devils, and fairies. They, and such like, are beliefs; and as I have said,a belief does not make it true.
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Re: i saw ghosts
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 13
Hurani, Malachi Martin is an Irish Catholic Jesuit priest. If you believe him, then God help us all!
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