New to Magic

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New to Magic
Post # 1
Hi. I'm really new to Wicca and would love any guidance or advice from anyone who would like to respond to me. My parents don't like that I'm now Wiccan instead of Christian and it's caused a fair amount of drama. I'm not allowed to bring home any books or information on this so I thought it was best to keep it all online. Please and thank you.
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Re: New to Magic
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Go to the main forums, there's a whole section on Wicca with lots of information to help you. What exactly are you looking for?
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Re: New to Magic
Post # 3
Im new too. Please help. I can only do wind magic
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Re: New to Magic
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Well for starters magick is a natural energy, when we cast spells we are charging this energy into our bodies, then directing it on a path to create subtle changes in the energy around us to bring our desired change. This energy is neutral until we give it a positive [white] or negative [black] charge. Please also note magick is intent, not colour, but I included it since most see it in black in white when in reality there's a lot of grey areas with magick. An example I use often is a healing spell for a sick friend. [making the spell positive or 'white'] This can cure your friend, but they told you not to cast. If you go against their wishes you are forcing your will over theirs and. basically taking away their right to choose [now it's negative or 'black'] see how it can get messy once you step back a bit?

Magick is also unlike in the movies, as a part of nature it is ruled by nature, so you can't say some words and make a bunch of money appear before you. The money has to come from somewhere. Very few if any spells are instantaneous. Also, you cannot go against human nature, we were not born with wings, so magick cannot create a working pair of physical wings. Finally, the elements, we work with them, we do not control them, we need to connect with all not just one. Weather magick is a debatable topic, do humans naturally have such power? No, therefore many see this as impossible. However, weather is a force of nature and magick is part of nature, so some say it is possible. Study and decide for yourself, but I will warn against it because you aren't making one raincloud in your area, you would move a whole weather patter. So while you might see a light shower, other places could see flooding or droughts. Think before you cast and be careful what you wish for.
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Re: New to Magic
Post # 5
Thank you that helps alot.
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Re: New to Magic
Post # 6
I'm really looking for anything. Really someone who could teach me. I don't know much about it but what I've learned from a friend (who I can't contact now) goes with everything I've always believed in. Any and all guidance ins welcome.
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Re: New to Magic
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Like I said, the main forums can help you with basic information. While I get you want to know everything, it doesn't give me [or anyone] a starting point. If you provide some questions, they can be answered, otherwise you might be taught about Reiki when you're interested in Chakras. [And Wicca is such a vast topic I don't know what you know or where to begin]
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Re: New to Magic
Post # 8
what is a pentagram/pentacle?
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Re: New to Magic
By: / Novice
Post # 9
A pentagram is a five point star, a pentacle is the same star inside a circle. It has a few meanings but it's typically a protection symbol. Each point represents a different element, commonly it's air, fire, water, earth, and the top one is spirit. Don't confuse it with an inverted pentacle which is a satanic symbol. It's not evil, it's just annoying to explain you're not worshiping Satan while wearing your pentacle upside down.
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