Resurection and time

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Re: Resurection and time
Post # 5
So to my original point, if anyone has had any luck with this, I had the theory of invoking the help of Astaroth for his help in divining the resonance needed.
As well, I did quite a bit of reading on ancient texts and the power of the written word, with that in mind, has anyone had any luck summoning Agares to teach the ancient invocation texts? Like Sumerian for example. Perhaps anyone has insight on a text with a higher success rate in spell casting? I find english doesnt have the right resonance.
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Re: Resurection and time
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6

There are many, many things that are impossible. You may believe otherwise but that does not change the natural laws of physics or the cosmos just because you wish it were so. And any "true" witch would tell you the same. Suggesting that there are no "true witches" on this board because others do not agree with you is as close-minded as what you accuse others of being.

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Re: Resurection and time
By: / Novice
Post # 7

I've got to say that both of you are wrong. Nothing is impossible. The basis of our reality is built on that FACT. You two sound like you sip on the haterade a little too much. After all, belief and fact are two sides of the same coin. It was once FACT that god existed, once FACT that the earth was flat, once FACT that the world was the center of the universe.

No, those were never facts. They were perceived as being facts through an often religious mindset, but since the definition of "fact' is "something that has really occurred or is actually the case" and the world was never the flat center of the universe, neither of those were facts. Since the West shifted paradigms from one of Church-oriented faith to science-oriented skepticism we've also expanded the definition of a fact to include that it must be demonstrable - that is, it is not considered a fact until you can demonstrate that it is true through repeated experiments.

So we'll call your parallel universe a fact once you can demonstrate that it is, indeed, a fact.

I highly suggest taking a look at Crowley's theorems of magick because he follows a scientific logic and explains why different magical acts are and are not possible and why a spell succeeds or fails.

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Re: Resurection and time
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8
There are many "beliefs" that are stated as fact! Humans do it all the time! But this tries to be a serious site, for real knowledge.
Almost anybody you ask will say that the Sun rises in the East, and sets in West. It doesn't!
And because this site is really trying to be serious, and to tell the truth, the Mods will say so!
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Re: Resurection and time
Post # 9
The very nature of magick and science is to perceive and create possibility in what is previously thought impossible.

To you Lark, I think you are honestly wrong. We do not fully know the natural laws of physics in it's whole, nor do we even have the slightest idea of the cosmos. So how can we claim that a task is impossible if we do not know every avenue? If we do not know every path? If you think keeping an open mind to the endless possibilities of the universe is being close minded then so be it by the great horned god i'm a closed minded individual.

The very basis of your argument is invalid in my opinion.
Now to you SunYote, ALL facts are perceived facts that are then backed by some proof or another, the credibility of these facts are left to the reader to distinguish and believe one way or another. Everything, down to the unit of measurements we use in our day to day lives are all considered fact, but have you ever considered that even that has been evolving? Even today the very definitions of what you consider 'fact' changes and have changed. Take the evolution of the true measurement of the pound, the gram. The very definition of said 'facts' change. Because they are all perception.

For some evidence go ahead and look for yourself.

And let me get this straight, you are following the theory of Crowley because he follows a "scientific logic"? I'll follow modern quantum mechanics and modern physics. Not dated knowledge.

Here, for anyone interested, since the crowley THEORIES are now being held as credible to a degree, why not an article for size?
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Re: Resurection and time
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 10
Versinojos.What on Earth makes you think that I, for one, "follow Crowley"? And you then quote wikipedia.Oh,dear!
Your profile doesn't give your age, but I should think you are very young. For a start, you have no idea what magic is. You certainly don't understand quantum mechanics.
You are writing ridiculous nonsense!
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Re: Resurection and time
By: / Novice
Post # 11

Pretty sure the thing about following Crowley was aimed at me since I suggested they read something from Book 4.

Speaking of which, your response pretty well indicates you didn't so much as look at the link I suggested (either that, or it entirely went over your head), because there's nothing particularly dated about it. It really is just logic itself as it relates to magick and examples thereof.

Numbers 2-4 are simply that "Every successful act has conformed to the postulate," that "every failure proves that one or more requirements of the postulate have not been fulfilled," and that "the first requisite for causing any change is thorough qualitative and quantitative understanding of the conditions." I was seriously just suggesting you approach your magick with logic.

I'm with Lark on this one - you appear to just be grabbing at concepts you don't understand well enough to describe and then just coming to completely unsubstantiated and nonsensical conclusions.

You are right that what we perceive as facts change and evolve over time, but you completely leave out that they change based upon new and proven and re-proven evidence, which goes to what I said about being able to prove this via experiments; what you are saying clashes with known reality, and no responsible or thoughtful person will believe it until you are able to provide some proof that demonstrates it.

When you demonstrate that what you have said is true, we will believe it is true. And if you cannot demonstrate that it is true, this begs the question of why you think it's true.

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Re: Resurection and time
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 12

Instead of pursuing this, try it a different way. It's expected that the astral plane is not as limited in time and space as the physical plane is, so one could project their consciousness to what they perceive as the past. You wouldn't be "transferring" your mind and soul to another vessel because there is no other vessel. There is one physical plane of existence that we actually have proof of. Everything beyond what is proven (tested for in controlled environments and giving of the same results each time) is personal belief and perception.

Alternatively, you could just work with the ghost of your hypothetical loved one.

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Re: Resurection and time
Post # 13

In the theory of all possibilities having their own reality as I understand it, you have simultaneously already acted out all these realities so there's not much point in shifting because you're already there.

My ref: "One" by Richard Bach

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Re: Resurection and time
Post # 14
First off, English was derived from many 'core' languages, so it will not be best to use/translate with any original/old text.Time magic is not what you may think. Lots of research, from many sources, is recommended (for any research). There is also a theory about viewing the past, which involves astrally traveling light-years away and 'zooming-in' on the past, but an actual understanding of quantum physics will hint that actual change or travel to the past will not be on the real side of possible. Also, it is really not your call who understands the quantum. As many things, this cannot simply be brushed up on. It must be understood on a serious level. Spitting out stats does nothing for real truth here. With that said, what we perceive does evolve over time, based on new evidence. Who is to say there will be no more evidence to disprove current? And what Brysing says is true, the mods will say/enforce whatever belief is prominent. Belief is often misjudged as fact, simply for lack of contrary evidence. I also agree with versinojos about the closed-minded ness of the site. People they deem 'fluffy' are sometimes, more adept than themselves, and the newer generation suffers for it.
Closed minds don't get fed, simple as that. we keep faith that those who have an ear will hear. Those who don't, simply won't.
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